Request a Peer Tutor
Fill out this form to connect with a peer tutor through the Academic Resource Center.
What do tutors do?
Tutors help students clarify and reinforce critical course concepts, develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, hone active approaches to learning, and work towards high levels of academic achievement in partnership with course instructors.
How many tutors does the ARC employ?
ARC employs 200 peer tutors in the fall and spring semesters.
Who can get a tutor?
Individual and small-group tutoring is free and available to all Muhlenberg students. Tutor assignments are made based on tutor availability and student demand. ARC staff work hard to identify tutors in all of the major subject areas.
How do students go about getting a tutor?
The online tutor request form is available between the first day of classes and two weeks after mid-terms. Both the student and the tutor are notified of their assignment by email if a match can be made. The meeting time and place is then determined by mutual agreement between the tutor and the student.
How many students request tutors?
ARC fills 1,000 individual tutor requests per year. Academic support is part of the culture at Muhlenberg. There is no stigma associated with tutoring. It’s highly recommended by upper-class students. Many of our tutors have been tutored themselves.
Students will be able to request to be assigned to work with a peer tutor for the duration of the spring 2025 semester starting on Monday, January 13, 2025, using our online Tutor Request Form.