Daniel Klem Jr.
Sarkis Acopian Professor of Ornithology and Conservation Biology
Shankweiler 443S
Link to the: Acopian Center for Ornithology
B. A. Biology, Wilkes College
M. A. Biology, Hofstra University
Ph. D. Zoology, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
D.Sc. Wilkes University
Courses Taught
Concepts of Biology: Biology of Birds (BIO 104)
Principles of Biology II (BIO 151)
Comparative Anatomy (BIO 245)
Comparative Embryology (BIO 240)
Ethology (BIO 265)
Ornithology (BIO 255)
Biological Statistics (BIO 380)
Research Interests
Animal behavior, conservation, ecology, evolution, ornithology, and the natural history of animals; special attention given to vertebrates, statistics, and wildlife mortality resulting from the actions of man.
Professional Society Membership
Animal Behavior Society; American Birding Association; American Ornithologists’ Union; Association of Field Ornithologists; Birdlife International; Colonial Waterbirds Society; Cape May Bird Observatory; Cooper Ornithological Society; Eastern Bird-Banding Association; Ecological Society of America; Hawk Mountain Sanctuary Association; Hawk Migration Association of North America; National Audubon Society; Northeastern Bird-Banding Association; Ornithological Council (Board of Trustees, 2006 – present), Pennsylvania Academy of Science; Pennsylvania Biological Survey; Pennsylvania Society of Ornithology; National Institute for Urban Wildlife; Raptor Research Foundation; Sigma Xi; Society for Conservation Biology; The Institute for Bird Populations; The Wetlands Institute; The Wildlife Society; Wilson Ornithological Society (Council Member, 2005 –2009).
Graduate School: Teaching Assistantships (Hofstra University), Teaching Assistantships (Southern Illinois
University at Carbondale), Special Doctoral Fellowship (Southern Illinois University at Carbondale), Research Fellowship (Southern Illinois University at Carbondale); Elective Member of American Ornithologists’ Union Darbaker Prize (Award for Best Paper Using Microscopic Techniques) from Pennsylvania Academy of Science; Lindback Foundation Award for Teaching Excellence from Muhlenberg College; Hawk Migration Association of North America (HMANA) Service Award; Hoffman Research Fellowship (1993-94); Doctor of Science (D.Sc.,Wilkes University 2000); Warden's Award from Hawk Mountain Sanctuary Association (2000); Detroit Audubon Society Conservation Leadership Award (2007); Pennsylvania Ornithological Society Conservation Award (2008); Research Grants from: American University of Armenia (Affiliate of University of California),
CPFilms, Inc., Huge’ Company, Inc., Hawk Mountain Sanctuary Association, Muhlenberg College, Pittsburgh Plate
Glass Foundation, The Wetlands Institute, and U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Select Publications and Papers Presented at Professional Meetings
Oral and written presentations on avian predatory behavior, birds of prey migration, comparative anatomy and histology of the avian alimentary tract, seabird distribution over near shore waters of the western Atlantic, and man-caused avian mortality in general and the consequences of window collisions in particular.
Oral Presentations at Annual Meetings: Animal Behavior Society, American Ornithologists' Union, American Bird Conservancy, Birds and Buildings Conference, Joint Cooper and Wilson Ornithological Societies, International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council, Wilson Ornithological Society, National Symposium on Urban Wildlife.
Published Scientific Papers: Animal Behaviour, Journal of Field Ornithology, National Symposium on Urban Wildlife, Proceedings of the Hawk Migration Association of North America, Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, The Auk, The Wilson Journal of Ornithology (formerly: The Wilson Bulletin). Select citations of publications follow.
Nunn, G L., D. Klem, Jr., T. Kimmel, and T. Merriman. 1976. Surplus killing and caching by American kestrels (Falco sparverius). Animal Behaviour 24: 759-763.
Klem, D., Jr., C. R. Brancato, J. F. Catalano, and F. Kuzmin 1982. Gross morphology and general histology of the esophagus, ingluvies and proventriculus of the House Sparrow (Passer domesticus). Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 56: 141-146.
Klem, D., Jr., S. A. Finn, and J. H. Nave, Jr. 1983. Gross morphology and general histology of the ventriculus, intestinum, caeca and cloaca of the House Sparrow (Passer domesticus). Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 57: 27-32.
Klem, D., Jr., B. S. Hillegass, and D. A. Peters. 1985. Raptors killing raptors. The Wilson Bulletin 97: 230-231. Klem, D., Jr., B. S. Hillegass, D. A. Peters, and J. A. Villa. 1985. Analysis of individual flight patterns of migrating raptors at a break in the Kittatinny Ridge: Lehigh Gap, Pennsylvania, 1-11 pp. In Harwood, M. Editor. Proceedings of Hawk Migration Conference IV, xi + 393 pp.
Klem, D., Jr. 1989. Bird-window collisions. The Wilson Bulletin 101(4): 606-620.
Klem, D., Jr. 1990. Bird injuries, cause of death, and recuperation from collisions with windows. Journal of Field Ornithology 61(1): 115-119.
Klem, D., Jr. 1990. Collisions between birds and windows: mortality and prevention. Journal of Field Ornithology 61(1): 120-128.
Bednarz, J. C., D. Klem, Jr., L. J. Goodrich, and S. E. Senner. 1990. Migration counts of raptors at Hawk Mountain, Pennsylvania, as indicators of population trends, 1934-1986. The Auk 107(1): 96-109.
Klem, D., Jr. 1991. Glass and bird kills: an overview and suggested planning and design methods of preventing a fatal hazard. In Wildlife Conservation in Metropolitan Environments, National Symposium on Urban Wildlife, Series 2, L. W. Adams and D. L. Leedy, eds, National Symposium on Urban Wildlife, pp. 99-103
Adamian, M. S. and D. Klem, Jr. 1997. A field guide to birds of Armenia. American University of Armenia, xxiii +223 pp.
Adamian, M. S. and D. Klem, Jr. 1999. Handbook of the birds of Armenia. American University of Armenia, 649 pp.
Adamian, M. S. and D. Klem, Jr. 2000. A field guide to birds of Armenia. American University of Armenia, 183 pp. Bildstein, K. L. and D. Klem, Jr., Eds. 2001. Hawkwatching in the Americas. Hawk Migration Association of North America, North Wales, Pennsylvania, 277 pp.
Klem, D., Jr. 2001. Ecology, in Matthew Karanian and Robert Kurkjian. Edge of Time Traveling in Armenia and Karabagh. Stone Garden Productions, Washington DC, pp. 37-39.
Balian, L. V., M. G. Ghasabian, M. S. Adamian, and D. Klem, Jr. 2002. Changes in the waterbird community of the Lake Sevan – Lake Gilli area, Republic of Armenia: a case for restoration. Biological Conservation 106(2): 157-163.
Klem, D., Jr., D. C. Keck, K. L. Marty, A. J. Miller Ball, E. E. Niciu, and C. T. Platt. 2004. Effects of window angling, feeder placement, and scavengers on avian mortality at plate glass. The Wilson Bulletin 116(1): 69-73.
Veltri, C. J. and D. Klem, Jr. 2005. Comparison of fatal bird injuries from collisions with towers and windows. Journal of Field Ornithology 76(2): 127-133.
Klem, D., Jr. 2006. Glass: a deadly conservation issue for birds. Bird Observer 34(2): 73-81.
Klem, D., Jr. 2007. Book Review: Ecological consequences of artificial night lighting, Eds. Catherine Rich and Travis Longcore, Island Press, Washington, DC, 2006, 458 pp. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 119(3): 519-521.
Klem, D., Jr. 2007. Windows: an unintended fatal hazard for birds. In Connecticut State of the Birds 2007. Connecticut Audubon Society, Fairfield, CT, pp. 7-12.
Klem, D., Jr. 2008. Bird window-kills and window-kill records. Winging It 20(6): 21.
Klem, D., Jr., C. J. Farmer, N. Delacretaz, Y. Gelb, and P. G. Saenger. 2009. Architectural and landscape risk factors associated with bird-glass collisions in an urban environment. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 121(1):126-134.
Klem, D., Jr. 2009. Preventing bird-window collisions. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 121(2):314-321. Klem, D., Jr. 2009. Avian mortality at windows: the second largest human source of bird mortality on Earth. In
Tundra to tropics: connecting birds, habitats and people, 244-251 pp. Eds. T. D. Rich, C. Arizmendi, D. Demarest, and C. Thompson. Proceedings of the 4th International Partners in Flight Conference, 13-16 February 2008. McAllen, Texas, USA. Partners in Flight, USDA, Forest Service Technical Report, viii + 712 pp.
Klem, D., Jr. 2010. Sheet glass as a principal human-associated avian mortality factor. In Chapter 20. Avian
Ecology and Conservation: A Pennsylvania Focus with National Implications, 276-289 pp. Eds. S. K. Majumdar, T. L. Master, R. M. Ross, R. Mulvihill, M. Brittingham, and J. Huffman. Pennsylvania Academy of Sciences, Easton, PA, xiv + 368 pp.
Updated: 4 February 2010, Thursday