Marten Edwards - biology faculty

Marten J. Edwards
Professor of Biology (on leave F'24)

New Science Building 207



B.A. Biology, Reed College
Peace Corps, Kingdom of Tonga
Ph.D. Entomology, University of Arizona NIH
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Genetics, Case Western Reserve University

Courses Taught

BIO 165
Cell Biology I (BIO 205)
Cell Biology of Human Disease (BIO 405)
Entomology (BIO 242)
Research Interests

The Edwards Lab investigates the physiology of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes and the prevalence of human pathogens in ticks that are found in the Lehigh Valley of Pennsylvania. Students in his lab gain experience in several recombinant DNA techniques as well as real-time PCR combined with field-based studies. He is also a frequent collaborator in efforts to map the geographic distribution of 17-year cicadas.

Edwards MJ, Russell JC, Davidson EN, Yanushefski TJ, Fleischman BL, Heist RO, Leep-Lazar JG, Stuppi SL, Esposito RA, Suppan LM (2019). A 4-Yr Survey of the Range of Ticks and Tick-Borne Pathogens in the Lehigh Valley Region of Eastern Pennsylvania. Journal of Medical Entomology 56(4) 1122-1134,

K Waits, MJ Edwards,  A Varsani
 (2017) Identification of novel tick-associated torque teno virus and genomoviruses.   Virus Genes 1-5.

Edwards MJ, Barbalato LA, Makkapati A, Pham KD*, Bugbee LM. (2015) Relatively low prevalence of Babesia microti and Anaplasma phagocytophilum in Ixodes scapularis ticks collected in the Lehigh Valley region of eastern Pennsylvania. Ticks and Tick Borne Diseases 6: 812-819.

Cooley JR, Simon C, Maier C, Yoshimura J, Edwards MJ, Holliday C, Marshall C, Sanders RL Neckermann M, Bunker G and Zyla J The distribution of periodical cicada (Magicicada) Brood II in 2013, with surprising disjunct populations (Hemiptera: Cicadidae).  American Entomologist, In Press.

Nouzova M, Edwards MJ, Mayoral J and Noriega FJ (2011) A coordinated expression of genes encoding biosynthetic enzymes regulates the flux of juvenile hormone precursors in the corpora allata of mosquitoes. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 41(9) 660-669.

Mooney E, Edwards MJ and Niesnbaum RA (2010) Genetic differentiation between sun and shade habitats in populations of Lindera benzoin L. Population Ecology 52 (3) 417-427.

John R. Cooley, Gene Kritsky, Marten J. Edwards, John D. Zyla, David C. Marshall, Kathy B. R. Hill, Gerry Bunker, Mike Neckermann, Roy Troutman, Jin Yoshimura, Chris Simon. (2011) Periodical cicadas (Magicicada spp.): A GIS-based map of Broods XIV in 2008 and “XV” in 2009. American Entomologist 57(3) 144-150.

Muth, N.Z., E.C. Kluger, J.H. Levy,  Edwards MJ and R.A. Niesenbaum (2008). Increased herbivory in the shade: the result of necessity, feedback, or luxury foraging?  EcoScience 15(2):182-188.

Edwards MJ and Niesenbaum RA (2007) Eleven polymorphic microsatellite loci in Lindera benzoin, Lauraceae. Molecular Ecology Notes 7 (6), 1302–1304.

Edwards MJ, Faivre AE, Crist R, Sitvarin M and Zyla J (2005) Spatial distribution of 2005  Brood-X 17 year periodical cicadas in Pennsylvania.  Entomological  News.

Rudenko N, Golovchenko M,  Edwards MJ and Grubhoffer L. (2005). Differential expression of Ixodes ricinus tick genes induced by blood feeding or Borrelia burgdorferi infection.  Journal of Medical Entomology 42(1): 36-41.

Moreira LA, Edwards MJ, Adhami F Jasinskiene N, James AA and Jacobs-Lorena, M (2000) Robust gut-specific gene expression in transgenic Aedesaegypti mosquitoes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA). 97(20): 10895-10898.

Edwards MJ, Moskalyk LA, Donelly-Doman M, Vlaskova M, Noriega FG, Walker VK and Jacobs-Lorena M (2000) Characterization of a carboxypeptidase A gene from the mosquito, Aedes aegypti. Insect Molec. Biol. 9(1): 33-38.

Edwards MJ, Severson DW and Hagedorn HH (1998) Vitelline envelope Vitelline envelope genes of the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti. Insect Biochem. Mol. Biol. 28: 915-925.