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Pearl Rosenberg Professor Emeritus B.A., Pennsylvania State University MAT, Villanova University M.S., Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania pearlrosenberg@muhlenberg.edu |
Dr. Pearl Rosenberg joined the education department in 1998 and teaches Educational Psychology: Child Learning and Development, Educational Psychology: Adolescent Learning and Development, and Urban Ethnography. In addition, she teaches in the First Year Seminar program. She earned her PhD in interdisciplinary studies in human development from the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania, where she trained as a social developmental psychologist and an educational ethnographer.
Her research interests and professional activities include the social and psychological development of teachers; gender, race, class, and culture issues in education; and the role of the arts in human development. Her writings on how pre-service teachers in primarily white teacher education programs deal with issues of race and racism have been featured in books and journals dealing with progressive pedagogy and multicultural education.
Dr. Rosenberg has a classical training in drawing and painting from the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in Philadelphia. She received a certificate from Harvard’s Project Zero Institute on the Arts in Education run by Howard Gardner and David Perkins, and has participated in workshops at the Lincoln Center Institute for the Arts in Education in using the arts-as-inquiry method developed over 30 years ago by Maxine Greene, the late Emerita Professor of Education and Philosopher-in-Residence at Lincoln Center.
She has been a teaching artist in the Boston, Philadelphia & Allentown School Districts and has taught art on-site to a variety of populations including youth in community settings, cancer patients and environmentalists. In addition, she has worked as a consultant regarding the arts and education with public and private schools in the US, and with groups of artists who travel to Ghana to help to develop community schools. She has been a featured artist in both solo and group exhibitions for over 25 years.
Her current research explores how children’s voices emerge through graphic, narrative, and embodied play, particularly through open-ended activities like drawing, painting, and sculpting. She is working on a collection of essays about the arts and human development.