Sruti Sailam '23
Sruti Sailam ’23, spent the summer before dental school as a computational biology intern with the pharmaceutical company.
Research Opportunities
At Muhlenberg, faculty support students through experiences in the laboratory and through independent research, providing opportunities for scholarship normally found in graduate programs. Students present at conferences and publish the results of their work, and they do so alongside their professors as collaborators.
Grants are available for students to engage in summer research or independent study that will lead to publication, presentation, exhibition or performance. Stipends, course credit and campus housing is available for participants, and students debut their research findings on campus and in professional research communities.
Off-campus research opportunities include participation in REU (research experience for undergraduate) programs. These competitive programs allow Muhlenberg students to travel to universities and medical facilities around the nation and meet scholars conducting similar work. Opportunities include the College’s long partnership with the University of Michigan and the Lehigh Valley Health Network Summer Research Scholars Program.
Clinical Experience
Muhlenberg advisors know that on first-hand knowledge and experience can aid admission to competitive health profession programs. The Health Professions Advising office coordinates shadowing opportunities for students and helps to connect them with healthcare professionals.
The College partners with St Luke’s University Hospital to provide 12 students each year access to Pre-Med and Physician Assistant Observer programs. Students spend a minimum of 60 hours over the course of a semester rotating through six different departments in the hospital. Students keep a reflection journal and meet regularly with a faculty member to discuss their observations, and credit is typically awarded for this experience.
Students receive opportunities to shadow and intern with medical professionals in the fields of physical therapy, occupational therapy and dentistry.