French Featured Alumni Profiles
The French Language and Literature program offers students the opportunity to acquire or advance communication skills in the French language, with a focus on French literature, culture, and society. In addition, students also develop an appreciation for diversity, while preparing our graduates for jobs and responsible citizenship in today’s increasingly interconnected global world. Below you will find profiles of some of our alumni.

Lauren Jansen, Class of 2010
“Absolutely! I feel so lucky to have found a field that is a perfect blend of all of my passions: language, science, art, and working with children. I can honestly say that I enjoy all the demands and challenges that graduate school and working in a clinic throws my way....."
Read more about Lauren's experience
Jennifer Epting
, Class of 2003
“My job is the perfect solution for someone who straddled two majors at school- I continue to wear a variety of hats everyday at work, which keeps me from getting bored! I use French everyday with parents, students, faculty, and administration at the school and I do quite a bit of translation from French to English...."
Read more about Jennifer's experience

Erin Koontz, Class of 2003
"Understanding cultural differences and developing a passion for experiencing new cultures was the biggest “take away” from my experience of majoring in French at Muhlenberg. This understanding plays a major role in my life everyday. When it came time to think about a career after college, I gravitated towards anything that involved travel, and I haven’t looked back since."
Read more about Erin's experience