Spanish Program Featured Alumni Profiles
The Spanish Language and Literature program offers students the opportunity to acquire or advance communication skills in the Spanish language, with a focus on peninsular Spanish and Latin American literature, culture, and society. In addition, students also develop an appreciation for diversity, while preparing our graduates for jobs and responsible citizenship in today’s increasingly interconnected global world. Below you will find profiles of some of our more recent alumni.
Ross Handler, Class of 2014
"I graduated from Muhlenberg in 2014 with a B.A. in Spanish and International Relations. As of this fall I have started law school at American University in Washington DC. I will be working towards earing a joint Masters and J.D. degree with an expected graduation in 2017. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Muhlenberg..."
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Matthew Schroeder, Class of 2010
"After graduating Muhlenberg in 2010 I have been a graduate student at Virginia Tech since Fall 2010. I completed my Master's degree in May 2012 with a focus on Food Microbiology and Poultry. I am now a PhD candidate with an expected graduation in May 2015. My research focuses for my dissertation include food safety and nonverbal cues. I am also part of the inaugural graduate teaching scholars program with the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences..."
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Drew Krumholz, Class of 2008
“I graduated from Muhlenberg College in 2008 with a B.A. in Spanish and have spent time abroad studying in Seville, Spain. I also spent a semester developing my linguistic skills at New York University and intend to pursue a Master’s Degree in the near future...."
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