Languages, Literatures, & Cultures

Languages, Literatures, & Cultures
Camille Qualtere

Lecturer in Spanish
Ettinger 106C
Office: 484-664-3624
Fax: 484-664-3722

B.A., Russell Sage College, Troy, New York
M.A., Ph.D (ABD), State University of New York at Albany

Camille Qualtere joined Muhlenberg College's Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures in 2009. She teaches Spanish courses, facilitates MESA, the weekly Spanish conversation table, and is the College's Assessment liason for the Department of Languages, Literatures & Cultures. 

In addition to her Masters’ work, Qualtere completed her doctoral studies (ABD) at SUNY-Albany in the field of Renaissance Peninsular Literature. Her dissertation deals with the 16th Century Spanish converso writer, Alonso Núñez de Reinoso and his novel, Los amores de Clareo y Florisea los trabajos de la sin ventura Isea, natural de la ciudad de Éfeso (Venecia, 1552). Her other fields of interet and research include language pedagogy, bilingual education, second language acquisition and issues related to equitable access to education and Universal Design of Instruction.

Camille Qualtere taught Spanish language and Peninsular literature courses at Lafayette College from 1992 to 2009.  She developed and directed Lafayette’s Foreign Language & Literature Teaching Internship from 1992 to 2009. This internship was an integrative course that combined the theoretical study and practical implementation of teaching methodologies, curricular development, and educational psychology.


Courses taught in Spanish at Muhlenberg College

SPN-101 and 102:  Elementary Spanish I and II
SPN-203 and 204:  Intermediate Spanish I and II
SPN-301:  Spanish Conversation and Composition
SPN-304:  Advanced Spanish Conversation and Composition