With the funding support from the Provost and OIT, we continuously research and purchase a variety of software packages for language learning with the highest review ratings. We encourage students to explore these programs as a complement to the courseware materials associated with their textbooks. Of particular value are programs designed to assist with pronunciation, the aspect of language acquisition which requires the most individual practice. Of special interest is "Audacity", a cross-platform audio recording and editing program.
In collaboration with the Office of Information Technology, LLC workstations are annually updated with the latest hardware and software. For a list of available technologies, click here.
To provide access to International TV programming, Dish Network International TV and SCOLA International News are available at the LLC. For information about International TV and access to weekly TV guides, click here.
If you are interested in evolving technologies, the LLC staff provides ongoing workshops on technologies related to online collaboration, current software, and language learning.