The Department of Languages Literatures and Cultures offers major & minor programs in the following languages: French, German Studies, Italian, Russian and Spanish. The major/minor requirements are listed below:
Major Requirements
To declare a major in French and Francophone Studies a student must have a grade point average of at least 2.00 in French 203 (Intermediate French I) or demonstrate an equivalent mastery of the language.
Majors complete nine courses beyond the Intermediate I course, including:
FRN 204 Intermediate French II
FRN 301 Communication and Cultural Understanding*
FRN 304 Approaches to Textual Analysis*
At least four 400—level courses** (French and Francophone Studies majors will complete a Culminating Undergraduate Experience project in their last 400-level course)
After completion of either FRN 301 or FRN 304, French and Francophone Studies majors may count one 300-level FRN course taught in English toward their major by reading in French (where applicable) and writing all assignments for the course in French.
Majors must maintain a grade point average of at least 2.00 in all courses required for the major.
Students majoring in Spanish must have a grade point average of at least 2.000 in the intermediate language courses SPN 203 Intermediate Spanish I and SPN 204 Intermediate Spanish II, or demonstrate an equivalent mastery of the language.
Majors must take a minimum of 9 courses beyond the Intermediate II course, including:
301, 302 Conversation & Composition
303, 304 Advanced Conversation & Composition (native speakers may be exempted)
At least 4 courses in literature
SPN 303, 304 Advanced Spanish Conversation & Composition normally serve as prerequisites to all courses numbered 400 or greater. All majors must maintain a grade point average of at least 2.000 in all courses attempted in the department. The Advanced Conversation & Composition course fulfills the College’s writing intensive course requirement for all majors.
Students majoring in Russian Studies must successfully complete RUS 204 Intermediate Russian II and any previous language course with a grade point average of at least 2.000 or demonstrate an equivalent command of the language. All majors must maintain a grade point average of at least 2.000 in all courses attempted in the major.
Minor Requirements
For a minor in French and Francophone Studies a student must have a grade point average of at least 2.00 in French 203 (Intermediate French I) or demonstrate an equivalent mastery of the language. Minors complete six courses beyond the Intermediate I course, including:
FRN 204 Intermediate French II
FRN 301 Communication and Cultural Understanding*
FRN 304 Approaches to Textual Analysis*
At least two 400—level courses**
After completion of FRN 301 or FRN 304, French and Francophone Studies minors may count one 300-level FRN course taught in English toward their minor by reading in French (where applicable) and writing all assignments for the course in French.
All minors must maintain a grade point average of at least 2.00 in all courses required for the minor.
* Prerequisite to all 400-level courses.
** 400-level courses carry the College's W designation (writing intensive course).
Students interested in German can minor in German Studies
A minor in Italian consists of 6 courses beyond Elementary II, including:
ITL 203 & 204: Intermediate Italian I & II
4 elective courses in Italian literature, film, art, culture, etc.
A minor in Russian Studies requires six courses beyond the College's language requirement, including:
Literature (one course is required)
401: 19th Century Russian Literature in Translation
402: 20th Century Russian Literature in Translation
320 or 321: Russian Culture and Civilization
History (one course is required)
HST 263 or 264: Imperial Russia
HST 265 or 266: Soviet Russia
Electives (two courses are required)
203: Intermediate Russian I
204: Intermediate Russian II
301 or 302: Russian Conversation and Composition
303 or 304: Advanced Russian Conversation & Composition
305 or 306: Readings in Russian Literature
PSC 234 or 235: Government and Politics of Russia and the CIS (or a second Russian history course)
A minor in Spanish consists of 6 courses beyond the Intermediate II course, including:
301, 302 Conversation & Composition
303, 304 Advanced Conversation & Composition
At least 2 courses in literature
Students must maintain at least a 2.000 grade point average in all courses for the minor. The Advanced Conversation & Composition course fulfills the College’s writing intensive requirement for all minors.