Students seeking certification in the teaching of French, German, or Spanish in elementary or secondary schools must apply for admission to the program through their faculty advisor no later than the end of the sophomore year. They must maintain a grade point average of at least 3.000 in all courses attempted in the major at Muhlenberg and demonstrate fluent command of the spoken and written language.
The major track in German Language and Literature should be selected by students seeking teacher certification in German. In addition to the requirements stated above, French and German secondary certification candidates are required to complete the FRN 320 or 321 French Civilization or GRM 220 or 221 German Civilization, as appropriate.
Candidates for certification in secondary Spanish are required to complete SPN 320 or 321 Civilization of Spain, SPN 322 or 323 Civilization of Latin America, two courses in Spanish Peninsular literature, two courses in Spanish American literature, and one of the following course options:
SPN 307 Spanish for the Community: Interpreting
SPN 308 Spanish for the Community: Translation
SPN 313 Topics in Applied Spanish Grammar