Research Option for the Mathematics CUE
General Information
One option for fulfilling the CUE requirement in the mathematics major is the design, execution, and completion of an appropriate research project. This may involve at most two students and must be supervised by a department faculty member. A student can investigate a branch of mathematics for which there is no Muhlenberg course, conduct original research initiated at Muhlenberg, or follow-up summer work previously done at a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program. A CUE project must be formally proposed by the student(s) and approved by the department by the end of spring semester of the junior year. Project requirements for each participant will include (but are not limited to) a paper detailing the mathematical work completed and a presentation at an appropriate local/regional/national mathematics meeting outside of Muhlenberg.
Getting Started

The first step is for the student to identify a mathematical area of interest, a specific research question, or an appropriate project that she or he would like to investigate. For a list of faculty research interests, please see the student/faculty research page. With ideas in hand, the student should talk with the appropriate mathematics faculty members about CUE interests and move toward asking a faculty member to be their CUE Advisor.
Prior to drafting a Mathematics CUE proposal and completing the application form, students must extensively consult with their CUE Advisor to develop a proposal that is appropriately rigorous and whose expectations, outcomes, and assessments are well defined. This proposal will be reviewed by the three-member Mathematics CUE Evaluation Committee.
The student must submit a draft of the proposal to his or her CUE Advisor no less than two weeks prior to the proposal being submitted to the Mathematics CUE Evaluation Committee for consideration. It is important that the advisor has sufficient time to review the draft of the proposal and discuss any changes prior to the completed application going to the committee.
How to Apply
The application consists of a completed Mathematics Research CUE Application which includes a required synopsis of the proposed project as described on that form. Students will be informed whether their application has been accepted by the Mathematics CUE Evaluation Committee within a few weeks after its submission.
For students wishing to register for MTH 975 CUE Directed Research during the Fall semester of their senior year, applications are due on the first Friday in April in the preceding Spring semester.
For students wishing to register for MTH 975 CUE Directed Research during the Spring semester of their senior year, applications are due on the first Friday in November in the preceding Fall semester.
Below is an ideal timeline for constructing a Mathematics CUE proposal:
Three Weeks Before the Deadline: Have a departmental faculty member provisionally agree to be your advisor for your project.
Two Weeks Before the Deadline: Submit a draft of the synopsis of the proposed project to your advisor so that your advisor can make edits and suggestions for your final proposal.
On or Before the Deadline: Submit your completed formal application which consists of the completed Mathematics CUE Independent Research Project Application.