Sue Curry Jansen
Emeritus Professor, Media & Communication
A., M.A., Ph.D. Sociology, The University at Buffalo (SUNY)
Sue Curry Jansen focuses on freedom of expression and its obstacles, sociology of knowledge, propaganda, gender and technology, and intellectual history of the Progressive Era. Her most recent book, Stealth Communications: The Spectacular Rise of Public Relations (Polity, 2017) looks at the relationship of democracy and PR, the role of PR fixers in international affairs, the role of PR in social movements, and efforts to reform PR. Her book,Walter Lippmann (2012) rethinks the legacy of the twentieth century’s most influential journalist. Other books include Media & Social Justice (2011, co-editor), Critical Communication Theory: Power, Media, Gender & Technology (2002, Chinese edition 2008), and Censorship: The Knot that Binds Power and Knowledge (1988, 1991). Recent articles and chapters include “Putin’s Flacks: Russia’s Stealth Public Relations War,” The Conversation (2017); “Secrecy, Confidentiality and ‘Dirty Work’: The Case of Public Relations, Secrecy and Society (2016); “Every Idea is an Incitement: Holmes and Lenin” in Censorship Moments, edited by G. Kemp (2014); “‘The World’s Greatest Adventure in Advertising’: Walter Lippmann’s Critique of Censorship and Propaganda” in The Oxford Handbook of Propaganda edited by J. Auerbach & R. Castronovo; and “Redesigning a Nation: Welcome to E-stonia, 2001-2018” in Branding Post-Communist Nations: Marketing National Identities in the ‘New ‘ Europe (2012) edited by N. Kaneva, “Phantom Conflict: Lippmann, Dewey and the Fate of the Public in Modern Society,” Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies (2009). Recent articles have appeared in the International Journal of Communication, Communication Theory, Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture, Social Identities, and Critical Studies in Media Communication.