Spring 2025 Events

Admission to performances is free unless otherwise notes. Questions about Music Department events may be directed to 484-664-3363 or heatherrogers@muhlenberg.edu.

If you are in need of accommodations to access and participate in any Music event, please contact the Office of Communications, at 484-664-3230 or email communications@muhlenberg.edu, 2 weeks prior to the event.

View or download a PDF poster of Spring 2025 Concert Events (all information contained in the poster is available in the table below).

Fri. 14 7:00 pm Class of 1969 Competition:
Advanced instrumental and vocal music students compete for prize sponsored by Muhlenberg alumni.
Egner Memorial Chapel.
Sat. 15 7:00 pm Celebration of Black Composers:
Various Music Department ensembles, coordinated by Victoria Pitre. 
Empie Theatre, Baker Center for the Arts.
Fri. 28 2:00 pm 1st Student Recital:
Students of Applied Music Perform.
Egner Memorial Chapel.
Thurs. 20 6:30 pm 2nd Student Recital:
Students of Applied Music Perform.
Recital Hall, Baker Center for the Arts.
Sat. 22 7:30 pm Contemporary Music Festival:
The music of Vincent Trovato. Featuring Muhlenberg students and faculty.
Empie Theatre, Baker Center for the Arts.
Fri. 28 8:00 pm Little Senior Recital:
Peter Little, '25, guitar. 
Recital Hall, Baker Center for the Arts.
Sat. 29 3:00pm Sheppard Senior Recital:
Dylan Sheppard, '25, soprano. 
Recital Hall, Baker Center for the Arts.
Sat. 29 5:00pm Barbarito Senior Recital:
Kristen Barbarito, '25, soprano. 
Recital Hall, Baker Center for the Arts.
Sun. 30 2:00 pm Bresalier Senior Recital:
Abigail Bresalier, '25, trombone. 
Egner Memorial Chapel.
Fri. 4 6:00 pm Miller Senior Recital:
Bryce Miller, '25, tenor. 
Egner Memorial Chapel.
Sat. 5 12:00 pm Choir Concert: Chamber, College & Treble Choirs perform.
Directed by Victoria Pitre & Katherine Kaiser. 
Egner Memorial Chapel.
Sat. 5 3:00 pm Collegium musicum Concert:
Concert of Baroque music directed by Ted Conner.
Egner Memorial Chapel
Tues. 8 7:00 pm Jazz Improv Concert:
Directed by Ted Conner. 
Recital Hall, Baker Center for the Arts.
Weds. 9 6:30 pm 3rd Student Recital:
Students of Applied Music Perform.
Egner Memorial Chapel.
Fri. 11 7:30 pm Wind Ensemble Concert:
Directed by Andrew Ardizzoia.
Empie Theatre, Baker Center for the Arts.
Sat. 12 4:30 pm Alsobrook Senior Recital:
Anne Marie Alsobrook, '25, soprano. 
Egner Memorial Chapel.
Sat. 12 6:30 pm Fletcher Senior Recital:
Emiko Fletcher, '25, soprano. 
Egner Memorial Chapel.
Sun. 13 2:00 pm Barkis Senior Recital:
Kyle Barkis, '25, baritone. 
Egner Memorial Chapel.
Weds. 23 7:30 pm Percussion Ensemble and Student Composers Concert:
Directed by Miles Salerni & Andrew Ardizzoia.
Empie Theatre, Baker Center for the Arts.
Fri. 25 7:30 pm Big Band Concert:
Directed by Jim Tully.
Empie Theatre, Baker Center for the Arts.
Sat. 26 2:00 pm Fisher Senior Recital:
Isabella Fisher, '25, soprano. 
Recital Hall, Baker Center for the Arts.
Sat. 26 4:00 pm Miller Senior Recital:
Ella Miller, '25, soprano. 
Recital Hall, Baker Center for the Arts.
Sat. 26 7:00 pm Chamber Orchestra Concert:
Directed by Daniel Boring.
Empie Theatre, Baker Center for the Arts.
Sun. 27 6:00 pm Angelitis Senior Recital:
Jessica Angelitis, '25, soprano. 
Recital Hall, Baker Center for the Arts.
Tues. 29 7:30pm Opera Workshop Concert:
Directed by Christopher Hodson.
Recital Hall, Baker Center for the Arts.
Weds. 30 6:30 pm 4th Student Recital:
Students of Applied Music Perform.
Recital Hall, Baker Center for the Arts.
Sat. 3 4:00 pm Tohill Senior Recital:
Marie Tohill, '25, soprano. 
Egner Memorial Chapel.