“When I came to Muhlenberg, I knew I wanted to pursue a Music major. While there were other areas of study I wanted to investigate, music was always a sure thing for me. I became more sure of this when I began music classes at Muhlenberg; from my first Music Theory course through the summer research project I undertook this summer, every experience I have had in the Music department has been exceptional."
Muhlenberg has innumerable opportunities for those interested in Music, and the faculty and staff are more than willing to work with students to help them get the most out of their education. I have been able to assist Dr. Diane Follet in her research on Schumann (and present that research at regional and national conferences), receive a grant for a music-related summer research project, and take a semester of lessons in viola da gamba.
The best thing about Muhlenberg’s Music department—which is really the best thing about all of Muhlenberg—is the relationships students can develop with faculty members; even better, those relationships often spring from or connect to activities outside of class. Dr. Follet and I have presented research together, but she is also my advisor, theory professor, and the advisor for an instrumental chamber group I perform in, Musica da Camera. Dr. Karen Hiles has also served several roles in my academic development: I first met her when I was the Writing Assistant for her First-Year Seminar on Disney, she was the advisor for my research last summer on Balinese gamelan and perceptions of time—a project that grew out of my semester abroad in Indonesia—and I will be part of her first Music Senior Seminar this Fall.
After graduation, I plan to pursue a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship in Indonesia and then go on to graduate school in Music Theory. I know that Muhlenberg’s Music program and the academic relationships I have developed through it have given me the confidence and preparation I need to be successful in the future.