Dr. Gretchen Hanson Gotthard |
Associate Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience
Behavioral neuroscience, Learning and memory New Science 325 / 484-664-3422 gretchengotthard@muhlenberg.edu / Lab Website pronouns: she/her/hers
Dr. Jordanna H. Sprayberry |
Associate Professor of Biology and Neuroscience
Neuroethology of pollination New Science 115 / 484-664-3249 jordannasprayberry@muhlenberg.edu / Lab Website pronouns: she/her/hers
Dr. Jeremy Alden Teissere |
Stanley Road Professor of Neuroscience, Department Chair
Neurotransmitter receptor structure & function New Science 219 /484-664-3617 jeremyteissere@muhlenberg.edu pronouns: he/him/his
Dr. Leah C. Wilson |
Assistant Professor of Neuroscience
Neural mechanisms of social behavior, Neuroendocrinology Shankweiler 241S / 484-664-4056
pronouns: she/her/hers
Dr. Matthieu de Wit |
Assistant Professor of Neuroscience
Cognitive neuroscience, Perception and action Shankweiler 243S / 484-664-4485
matthieudewit@muhlenberg.edu / Lab Website pronouns: he/him/his
Julia Gross |
Administrative Manager
Department of Neuroscience New Science 127 484-664-3073 juliagross@muhlenberg.edu pronouns: she/her/hers |
For information on how to get involved in independent research, please see: Faculty-Student Research Collaborations.