Political ScienceAlton J. Slane Envelope

Professor of Political Science, Emeritus 

Contact Information:





  • Ph.D.  University of Pennsylvania


Dr. Slane earned his Ph.D. at the University of Pennsylvania. He teaches Constitutional Law, Governmental Regulation of Business, Civil Rights & Civil Liberties, and Introduction to American National Government. Previously, Dr. Slane served for four years as a Salisbury Township, PA School Board Member and eight years as a Commissioner for the Salisbury Township Board of Commissioners. He received the Lindback Award for distinguished teaching in 1989.

Recent Conference Presentations:

 “Jail House Searches: Privacy Versus Security Concerns,” paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice, March 23, 2013, Dallas, Texas.

“The Fourth Amendment and the Police Use of GPS Tracking Devices,” paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Association of Criminal Justice Educators, March 31, 2012, Penn State, Altoona, PA.

“The Good Faith Exception to the Exclusionary Rule,” paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice, March 15, 2012, New York City, New York.


Major Supreme Court Decisions in American Government, The University Press of America:  Washington, D.C., 1982

"Free Trade:  How Free Should It Be?” The Pennsylvania Journal of Urban Economic Development, August 1979

"Public Sector Lobbying and the State Policy Making Process," U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Allentown, Pennsylvania Urban Observatory, 1978.

Book Reviews:

Review of An Analysis of the International Diamond Market, by Donna Bergenstock, Mellen Studies in Business, 2004.