Political ScienceChristopher Borick Envelope

Professor of Political Science
Director of the Muhlenberg College Institute of Public Opinion

Contact Information:
Ettinger Hall 308B


Courses Taught:

PSC 101 Introduction to American National Government
PSC 209 Campaigns and Elections
PSC 213 Public Health Policy
PSC 216 Environmental Policy
PSC 301 Political Science Research Methods
AMS 101 Introduction to American Studies
FYS 242 Springsteen’s America


Ph.D. The State University of New York at Binghamton
M.A. East Stroudsburg University
B.A. The Pennsylvania State University

Dr. Christopher P. Borick
is a Professor of Political Science and Director of the Muhlenberg College Institute of Public Opinion. He is a nationally recognized public opinion researcher who has conducted over 300 large-scale public opinion surveys during the past two decades.  The results of these surveys have appeared in numerous periodicals including Time Magazine, The Wall St Journal, New York Times, Los Angeles Times and Washington Post.  He has also provided analysis for the BBC, National Public Radio, PBS, MSNBC, CBS News and NBC Nightly News and had his survey results aired on, CNN, FOX News and C-Span.  During his career he has conducted surveys for a variety of government agencies and organizations including the Center for Disease Control, The Brookings Institution, PBS, The Wisconsin Department of Commerce, the Oneida Indian Nation, The U.S. Department of Labor, and Habitat for Humanity.  He is co director of the National Surveys on Energy and the Environment (NSEE) and currently conducts surveys for the Morning Call newspaper in Allentown, Pennsylvania. He has served as President of both the Wisconsin Political Science Association and the Pennsylvania Political Science Association. 

Professor Borick received his undergraduate education at The Pennsylvania State University and a Masters Degree from East Stroudsburg University.  He completed his doctoral work at The State University of New York at Binghamton in the area of public policy analysis.  He has government experience at both the federal and local levels, including positions with the Internal Revenue Service and Monroe County Pennsylvania Planning Commission.  He has published and presented over thirty articles and four books in the area of public policy and public opinion, and has held teaching positions at The State University of New York at Cortland, St. Norbert College, Lehigh University and currently at Muhlenberg College.  He has won numerous teaching awards during his career, most recently receiving The Lindback Distinguished Teaching Award at Muhlenberg College. He and his wife Lisa reside in Nazareth, Pennsylvania with their two children: Sam who is eighteen and John who is fourteen.

Recent Sample Publications:

“The Climate of Belief: American Public Opinion on Climate Change,” with Barry G. Rabe, Issues in Governance Studies, Number 31, January 2010. “A Reason to Believe: Examining the Factors that Determine Individual Views on Global Warming,” with Barry G. Rabe, in Social Science Quarterly, September 2010. “American Public Opinion and Climate Change,” in Greenhouse Governance, Barry G. Rabe, Editor, Brookings Press: Washington. 2010 “American Federalism and Climate Change: Policy Options and Public Opinion," with Barry G. Rabe in The Environment, Climate Change, and Land Policies, eds. Gregory Ingram and Yu-Hung Hong Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Boston 2010).

“Climate Compared: Public Opinion on Climate Change in the United States and Canada,” with Barry G. Rabe and Erick Lachapelle, Issues in Governance Studies, Number 39, April 2011. “Public Attitudes Toward Climate Science and Climate Policy in Federal Systems: Canada and the U.S. Compared,” with Eric Lachapelle and Barry G. Rabe, in Review of Policy Research, May 2011 “The Politics of American and Canadian Carbon Pricing,” with Barry G. Rabe in Review of Policy Research, May 2011.
“Belief in Global Warming on the Rebound: National Survey of American Public on Climate Change,” Issues in Governance Studies, February, 2012.

“Public Views on Climate Policy Options: Spring 2012 NSAPOCC Findings,” with Barry G. Rabe, Issues in Governance Studies, June 2012.

“Lessons from an Early-Mover: Shale Gas Policy Development in Pennsylvania,” forthcoming in Review of Policy Research, May 2013 with Barry G. Rabe.