Christopher W. Herrick Envelope

Professor of Political Science, Emeritus
Founding director of International Studies Program and past co-director of the political economny and public policy major

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  • Ph.D. International Studies, University of South Carolina
  • M.A. Political Science, University of New Hampshire
  • B.A. Government, Bates College


Dr. Herrick’s areas of study include comparative politics, international relations, and environmental policy.  Dr. Herrick’s research focuses generally on foreign and national security policies.  His research focuses upon China’s foreign policy. His book China’s Peaceful Rise: Perceptions, Policy and Misperceptions examines the prospects that despite its military and economic compatibilities perceptions and misperceptions will negatively affect China’s relations with the United States, India, Japan, Southeast Asia, and Africa. His recent research focuses upon the changing ways in which the rhetoric of Chinese foreign policymakers and Chinese official and semiofficial media has sought to portray China to the outside world and differences between Chinese semiofficial media portrayals of Chinese actions abroad differs from the portrayals of Chinese actions by Western media sources in the United States, the UK, and Australia. His current research is focused upon the way in which a variety of factors, including global climate change, the internal impact of China’s zero Covid policies, internal economic dislocations exacerbated by Covid and supply chain issues, coupled with international interest in developing alternative sources for products previously manufactured in China as a consequence of supply chain disruptions will limit China’s capacity to reshape the international political economic system. He has also published a book on Issues in U.S. Foreign Policy.

Together with Ms. Nancy Collings, the Mandarin Instructor at Muhlenberg, Dr. Herrick has designed and conducted a Muhlenberg Integrative Learning Abroad (MILA) course that addresses sustainable development in China and includes a two-week travel experience in the Pearl River Delta region of China.


Issues in American Foreign Policy, Longman Publishers

China’s Peaceful Rise: Perceptions, Policy and Misperceptions, Manchester University Press