100-199: Themes and Motifs in the Study of Religion These are 100-level courses that introduce students to the academic study of religion by tracing patterns and themes across religious traditions.
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201/202: Theory & Method in the Study of Religion Offered annually in the fall, this course is required of all religion studies majors and strongly recommended for minors. Students will explore a variety of approaches to the academic study of religion.
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203-299: Religions of the World These courses are religion-specific, concentrating on a particular religious tradition or clusters of religions.
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300-349: Religious Expressions (Texts, Rituals/Practices, Fine and Performing Arts) These courses provide opportunities for students to explore diverse forms of religious expression. Each course offers an in-depth look at a phenomenon from a particular religious tradition.
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350-399: Religion, Person, and Society This is a series of thematic courses that examine specific theoretical, historical, geographical, political, and philosophical contexts for specific religious beliefs and practices. Courses may focus on a particular religious tradition or may emphasize theoretical approaches that apply across traditions.
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400-499: Advanced Seminars in the Study of Religion An advanced seminar is offered each spring as a “special topics” course. This Culminating Undergraduate Experience (CUE) offers students the opportunity to explore a research topic in depth with other students and faculty.
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