Sociology is the study of group behavior and society. The field provides a distinctive perspective on the world and addresses many challenging issues that are confronting society today.
"Anthropology of Palestine" examines the culture and social worlds of Palestine, exploring the complex interplay of state, ethnicity, gender, sexuality and class at both local and global levels in constructing what Palestine is and who Palestinians are. "Queer China" explores the emergence and expression of queer identities, cultures and communities in modern and contemporary mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and the Chinese diaspora.
Muhlenberg's Sociology and Anthropology faculty are accomplished scholars, dedicated mentors and collaborative researchers. Get to know the experts within our department.
Held in the spring of each academic year, the Senior Research Symposium features presentations by graduating seniors, including talks and posters, on research emerging out of honors thesis projects and capstone seminars in sociology and anthropology.
Ben-Veniste ’64, who served as one of the lead prosecutors during the Watergate scandal 50 years ago, reflects on the responsibilities of citizens in a democratic society, the challenges our country faces and what needs to happen to preserve our democracy.
The Center for Ethics theme for 2024-2025 will examine the ethics, challenges and limits of repair after great harm and how individuals and societies seek justice, healing and pathways to rebuild.
Associate Professor Ben Carter has worked with students and descendants to document portions of Six Penny Creek, a settlement home to about 50 people at its peak around 1870.
The process, which now stretches over an entire academic year, challenges each student to create the strongest application they can and produces powerful results.
On this episode of 2400 Chew, Karissa Minnich '12, a civic design manager, talks with Muhlenberg Magazine Editor-in-Chief Meghan Kita about how her initial career motivation for helping address income inequality through local government and how she's found meaning in her work.