TAL: Beyond Imagination

A World Premiere Circus Performance
for Kids, Parents, & Everyone Else

Created by Atlas Circus Company


"A joyfully realized performance filled with mesmerizing circus acts! … The aerial work is definitely an eye-popping highlight! … the performers are all top-notch!" — The Morning Call


From the creators of last summer’s WILD comes a new all-ages circus experience — a tale of dreamers and eccentrics who gaze up at the stars in search of something more. Through high-flying aerial acrobatics, dance, juggling, comedy, and magic, TAL invites you along on a journey of imagination — to a world of color and wonder, where you’ll experience the imagination of a child and the feeling of infinite possibility just within reach.

Groups welcome! Recommended for ages 4 through adult. Cast members will be available after daytime performances to meet the audience members, sign autographs, and answer questions.


FREE Imagination Workshops!

Stay after the show for a FREE 45-minute circus-themed Imagination Workshop! Join the cast to explore themes of the show through movement and storytelling — and learn circus skills! Daytime workshops are recommended for ages 4-12.

Workshops following 6:30 performances are all-ages Circus Workshops, designed to give you a taste of circus performance skills, including juggling and acrobatics.

Group sizes are limited. Advance registration is recommended. Please register online or by calling 484-664-3333. Please be sure to register for the workshop following the show you plan to attend.

If you have any questions about the Imagination Workshop, please email the Workshop team at smtworkshops@muhlenberg.edu.

Relaxed (Sensory-Friendly) Performances

June 30, 10 a.m.
July 25, 10 a.m.

Relaxed (Sensory Friendly) performances are designed for children with Autism and other sensory processing challenges. Lighting and sound will be adapted to minimize sensory impact; patrons will have easy access to the lobby during the performance; and concessions will be available during the show. Patrons are welcome to bring sensory tools, cushions, and quiet manipulatives for use during the performance.

For tickets (Relaxed performance only, please call 484-664-3695 or email boxoffice@muhlenberg.edu

Download Social Story (Visual guide to help your child know what to expect from his or her visit.)

See Accessibility Page for details.

Buy tickets now

Purchase online!
or call 484-664-3333

June 27 – July 28

Wed Thur Fri Sat
27 28 29 30
4 5 6 7
11 12 13 14
18 19 20 21
25 26 27 28

Wed & Thur: 10 a.m. & 1 p.m.
Fri & Sat: 10 a.m. & 6:30 p.m.

7/4 & 7/28: 10 a.m. only


 First Week (Wed-Sat) 
All tickets: $11

Rest of the Run
All tickets: $13

Groups of 15+
Nonprofit groups: $6
All other groups: $8