Theatre & Dance Work-Study Jobs 2024-25

Hi, T&D Students —

If you have a work-study grant as part of your financial aid package, we encourage you to apply for a position in the Theatre & Dance Department!

Read this if…

  • You're sure you have a work-study grant, but no job yet
  • You think you MIGHT have a work-study grant
  • You WISH you had a work-study grant
  • You don't know what work-study grants are

What is work-study?

Some students receive federal funding for on-campus jobs, as part of their financial aid package from the college. The Theatre & Dance Department employs LOTS of students with work-study grants, in all of the production shops (costume, scenic, electrics, props), the box office, the admin office, and the marketing office.

Do I have work-study?

That's the question of the day! This information is available in the Financial Aid Portal, which you can access from this page. If you have work study, toward the bottom of the page, you'll find a section called Student Employment, where typically it would say "Federal College Work Study," in the amount of $1,000 per semester.

What jobs are available?

Lots, and they're all great experience! Apply through the Handshake system (see above), but if you have questions, feel free to email the folks listed below. The number after each job title is the Job ID in the Handshake system.

  • Box Office & Front of House Staff — 8951865
    Work in the box office and help Maya with selling tickets and working in the lobby on performance nights. Email Maya Costanzo
  • Costume Shop Staff — 8951907
    Work with the Costume Shop staff to create and coordinate costumes for Theatre & Dance productions. No experience necessary! Email Whitney Vaughan
  • Electrical Staff — 8951954
    Support lighting and sound needs for Theatre & Dance productions and studio classes. Email Paul Theisen
  • Marketing Associate — 8952074
    Create marketing materials for Theatre & Dance productions, help maintain the website, create social media posts, and support the department's recruitment efforts. Email Scott Snyder
  • On Camera Acting Editor — 8952106
    Edit video for the On Camera Acting class. No experience necessary! This is a full-year position (contrary to prior years). Email Holly Cate
  • Props Assistant — 8952055
    Help to create the hand props and stage props that are used in theatre productions. Email Katrina Miller
  • Scene Shop Staff — 8951998
    Assists with scenic construction for Department productions; provides labor and technical support for productions and events in the performance spaces. No skills required; we’ll teach you! Email Nate Zwart
  • Theatre & Dance Office Staff — 8952144
    Provide tours to prospective students, and help with the administrative work of the Department. Email Allie


Do I have work-study?

That's the question of the day! This information is available in the Financial Aid Portal, which you can access from this page. If you have work study, toward the bottom of the page, you'll find a section called Student Employment, where typically it would say "Federal College Work Study," in the amount of $1,000 per semester

I DO have work-study. How do I find a job?


Work-study jobs are listed in the college's Handshake employment system. You can access that from this page. If the Handshake system knows that you have work study, you'll be able to see a bunch of available jobs. See the list below to find the Job IDs for each position.

If you DON'T see any work-study-eligible jobs, then Handshake doesn't know you have work-study. If the Financial Aid Portal says yes and Handshake says no, you should contact the Financial Aid office and tell them that you've got this issue, and they will fix it for you.

You can apply for any jobs that appeal to you through the Handshake system. You can ask the Theatre & Dance staff about the jobs if you have questions.


What are work-study jobs like?


Work-study staff work on all aspects of Theatre & Dance productions, from marketing and selling tickets to building scenery and costumes and hanging lights.

You'll be supervised by members of the professional staff of the department. They will teach you what you need to know! While it can be useful to have some skills coming in, we don't expect you to be functioning professionals in the field.

Most jobs are about eight hours a week, although you can usually work less if you prefer. You can schedule your job around your class schedule and other activities. Most jobs happen Monday through Friday, mostly during the day, but some have evening and weekend components, at least occasionally, and only based on your availability; for example, your job might include meeting prospective students on a Saturday, or taking photos at a rehearsal.

You don't have to get a job just because you have a workstudy grant. But if you don't use it your first year, you will likely lose the grant in future years.


I WISH I had work-study.

We wish you did too! Work-study grants are need-based and are part of your overall financial aid package, and unfortunately there's not a lot we can do. If you think you might qualify, you can try contacting the Financial Aid Office and asking them to consider adding a work-study grant to your financial aid package. If you have had work-study in the past but you don't have it this year, you may be able to get it reinstated. Contact the Financial Aid Office or the Theatre & Dance staff!

I DON'T have work-study, but I still want to get involved.

Any of the staff departments would love to talk to you about volunteering! One GREAT way to do that is by signing up for stage crew, to work behind the scenes on productions! But there are other ways. Often, you can use your volunteer time to take care of course requirements, and you may be able to arrange internship credit for your work.

Look for an email about stage crew signups, coming soon!

Here's who you would talk to to get involved in any of the following ways:

I still have questions.
Cool, we're here to help. Just email and ask your questions. We'll get back to you right away.