Federal Regulations (Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008) require that institutions that receive Federal Title IV funding provide specific consumer information about the school and the availability of student financial aid to prospective and continuing students.
The following is a summary of the consumer information subject areas and references to additional details and reports. If you need assistance or paper copies, please contact Curtis Topper at curtistopper@muhlenberg.edu or by writing to us at Muhlenberg College, Treasurer's Office, 2400 Chew Street, Allentown PA 18104.
General Institutional Information
- College Navigator - For additional Consumer Information and accreditation information
- Student Privacy Rights - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- Student Diversity - Additional information on racial ethnic diversity in the student body and percentage of students receiving Pell Grants may be found in “Data Feedback Report” of our IPEDS Report.
- Price of Attendance
- Net Price Calculator
- Refund Policy – Information about tuition adjustments based on drops and withdrawals and refunds of credit balances
- Withdrawal Procedures
- Information for College Bookstores
- Traditional School Academic Program
- School of Continuing Studies Traditional Programs
- School of Continuing Studies Accelerated Degrees
- Instructional Facilities
- Also available from the Source Book under “Facilities”
- Campus, College, and Departmental Websites - In header titled "Commonly Used Campus Web Pages" click on “Show More” to expand list.
- Faculty – Departmental websites include contact information for faculty and instructors.
- Transfer of Credit Policies
- Articulation Agreements
- Traditional School Agreements
- School of Continuing Studies Agreements – for more detailed information contact Mike Miller, Dean, The School of Continuing Studies of Muhlenberg College, 484-664-3607, michaelmiller@muhlenberg.edu
- Accreditation, Approval, and Licensure of Institution of Programs
- Copyright Infringement Polices and Sanctions
- Computer Use and File Sharing
- Teacher Preparation Program Report
- Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act Survey (US Department of Education)- a paper copy of this report is available upon request by contacting Megan Patruno, Associate Athletic Director, 484-664-3785, mpatruno@muhlenberg.edu
- Student Activities
- Center for Counseling Services
- Retention Rate
- Common Data Set – Refer to Tab CDS-B of the year you are looking at
- Source Book – Under enrollments
- Voter Registration
- Gainful Employment
Student Financial Assistance
- Office of Financial Aid home page Traditional Students
- Office of Financial Aid home page School of Continuing Studies Students
- Office of Financial Aid staff
- Notice of Federal Student Financial Aid Penalties for Drug Law Violations
- State Grant Assistance
- Student Loan Information
- National Student Loan Data System
- Entrance/Exit Counseling
- Private Education Loan Disclosures-Available from your Private Educational
Loan Lender - Self-Certification Form- Available from your Private Educational Loan Lender
- Code of Conduct for Education Loans
- Preferred Lenders List – Muhlenberg College does not have a Preferred Lender
List - Types of Available Aid
- Applying for Aid
- Rights and Responsibilities
- Student Employment
- Review of Academic Progress Policy
- Federal Student Loan Deferment
- Federal Student Loan Forgiveness
- Refund Policy and Requirements for Withdrawal and Return of Financial Aid
- Education Abroad
- Disbursement for Books and Supplies
Health and Safety
Student Outcomes
- Types of Graduate and Professional Education in which the School Graduates Enroll – Muhlenberg College Career Survey
- Retention and Graduation