Muhlenberg College School of Continuing Studies Scholarships
Charlotte W. Newcombe Scholarship
Eligibility Criteria
- Students aged 25 or older who are pursuing their first bachelor’s degree and;
- Have completed at least half the requirements toward their intended degree with either full-time (3 or more course units) or half-time enrollment (2 course units);
- Are maintaining a GPA of 2.5 or higher;
- Have unmet financial need as demonstrated by completing the FAFSA.
Contact Information: Charlotte W. Newcombe Scholarship
Community Service Scholarship
Eligibility Criteria
- Tuition benefits for two courses per semester.
- Active in community service.
- Demonstrated financial need via FAFSA
- Selected by GCE scholarship committee
Contact Information: Eligible students may apply through their GCE Advisor
Constance Lewis Miller Scholarship
Eligibility Criteria
- Eligible women pursuing a first bachelor's degree
- Widowed, divorced, or single
- Considered Independent as per the FAFSA
Contact Information: Eligible students may apply using the GCE Application for Financial Aid
First Responders Scholarship
Muhlenberg College and the Division of Continuing Studies value and support our City of Allentown community partners. A scholarship equal to a 20% tuition discount per class for enrolled students in one of our Continuing Studies programs is available to employed members of the Allentown Fire, Police, or Emergency Management Services Departments.
Sam Laposata Scholarship
Eligibility Criteria
- Must have completed four courses at Muhlenberg College
- Demonstrated financial need via FAFSA
- Considered Independent as per the FAFSA
Contact Information: Eligible students may apply using the GCE Application for Financial Aid
Outside Scholarships
Alpha Sigma Lambda Scholarship
Eligibility Criteria
- GPA of 3.2 or above
- Demonstrated financial need via FAFSA
- Completed 6 courses at Muhlenberg College
- Pursuing first bachelor's degree
Contact Information: https://www.alphasigmalambda.
EWI (Executive Women International) Lehigh Valley Chapter
Eligibility Criteria
- ASIST Scholarship for women facing economic, social, or physical challenges and looking to improve through educational opportunities.
Contact Information:
LVMAC (Lehigh Valley Military Affairs Council) Scholarship Program
Eligibility Criteria
- Eligible military personnel (Active, Reserve, National Guard); must meet residency requirement (Lehigh Valley)
Contact Information: | 484-788-0196
Program for Continuing Education Grant
Eligibility Criteria
- Eligible women must be U.S./Canadian citizen
- Minimum of 24 consecutive months as a non-student
- Within 18 months of degree completion
- Pursuing a Certification or Degree program
Contact Information:
P.E.O. Educational Loan Fund
Eligibility Criteria
- Need-based loans for qualified women pursuing an undergraduate degree
- Must be high school graduate
- U.S. citizen or legal resident
- Recommended by the local chapter of PEO Sisterhood
Contact Information:
Soroptimist "Live Your Dream" Awards Program
Eligibility Criteria
- Women who provide the primary financial support for family
- Enrolled in undergraduate degree program
- Demonstrated financial need
Contact Information:
Student Referrals
Many of our students come to us by word-of-mouth and referral. If you refer a prospective student and they enroll in one of our programs, you will receive $500 applied to your student account. All you need to do is have your colleague/friend give your name at the time of completing an application.For more information, please contact us at or 484-664-3300.