Our Equity and Inclusion Leadership Team
The Muhlenberg College Equity and Inclusion Team is composed of administrative staff and faculty who are in positions with designated responsibilities critical to identifying and advancing the College’s goals as outlined in Muhlenberg’s statement and commitments to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging. The team will serve as a central hub to provide strategic coordination, communication, and accountability across departments and to build capacity across the campus community to meet the College’s mission, strategic priorities and values associated with equity, inclusion, and belonging.

Members of the team include the director of institutional equity, compliance and Title IX; the dean of academic life; the director of religious and spiritual life; the director of community engagement; the director of the Muhlenberg Center for Teaching and Learning; the faculty fellow for DEI initiatives; the associate dean of students and diversity initiativesdean of students and diversity initiatives (co-chair); and the associate dean of faculty development (co-chair).
Current Co-Chairs within the Muhlenberg College Equity and Inclusion Leadership Team
- Robin Riley-Casey, associate dean of students and diversity initiatives
- Brian Mello, associate dean of faculty development
The leadership co-chairs will meet regularly with the president and senior leadership to provide updates on departmental coordination and institutional progress.