Welcome to Muhlenberg’s Net Price Calculator. We are happy to work with you to estimate your cost to attend Muhlenberg, and to make the Muhlenberg experience affordable for you.
Just a few reminders before you begin: The Net Price Calculator is a new requirement of the federal government. Some of the format for reporting the estimated cost to you is also a product of federal regulation. While it can provide a broad estimate of college costs, there are limitations. For example, at Muhlenberg, we don’t operate on a single financial aid “formula.” We customize every financial aid package. A computerized calculator, which must operate on a set of formulas, cannot possibly capture all of the nuances that drive the ways in which we customize financial aid packages. As an example, we offer the opportunity for Talent Scholarships in the performing and visual arts based on audition or portfolio review. A formula-driven Net Price Calculator can’t capture that possibility.
So remember as you review the information that our Net Price Calculator will provide that this is an estimate, and a broad estimate based on our most recent year’s financial aid policies and our most recent year’s experience in financial aid packaging. Changes in policy or packaging strategies that may be driven by changes in the economy or the neediness of our applicant pool can change the outcome.
The best way to find out about financial aid and net cost at Muhlenberg is to apply for admission and apply for financial aid. Your application will provide complete information upon which to base our customized approach to aid packaging, and your application for financial aid will provide complete information (including the complexities of owning your own business, additional real estate holdings, business losses, etc.) on which to base a financial aid decision here.
If you have questions, contact our Office of Financial Aid at 484-664-3175 or netpricecalculator@muhlenberg.edu.