A Soldier's Perspective
By: Nicole Barella-Vess Monday, November 14, 2022 01:30 PM

A veteran— whether Active Duty, National Guard, Reserve, discharged, retired, living or deceased — from all branches of the Armed Forces is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to "The United States of America" for an amount of "up to, and including their life."
A veteran is someone who, at one point in their life, raised their right hand and solemnly swore an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic."
My name is Nicole Barela-Vess, MBS, an alum of Muhlenberg College, 2015. I am the granddaughter, daughter, big sister and wife of veterans — I am also a third-generation
service member and a captain in the United States Army.
As a citizen-soldier, I am the program development manager for the Muhlenberg College Division of Graduate and Continuing Education by day. I am the company commander of a regional headquarters logistics company for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by night. It's like being Batman but without the cape.
My family has served in multiple wartime campaigns, including World War II, Operation Desert Storm / Operation Desert Shield, Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Inherent Resolve.
Why are veterans important to the Muhlenberg College Community?
Veterans are important because Muhlenberg College prides itself on the values of historical heritage, lifelong learning, civic values, leadership and service – all of which are shared values of the U.S. veteran. Their service to their country is very much a part of their identity and who they are. Being a veteran is earned through sacrifice, duty and service. When we talk about diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging, it is important to remember that a veteran is among those populations of representation within our Muhlenberg community. Many veterans walking through Muhlenberg's red doors come from diverse and nontraditional backgrounds.
Muhlenberg's commitment to veterans, adult learners and nontraditional students ensures that a Muhlenberg College education is available and accessible to a diverse student body.
If you are a veteran and you have questions about navigating higher education, or you want to talk green-suit to green-suit, please know that I am "a friendly."
If you would like more information, you can find me at the Gabriel House office 212 (moving soon to the Fahy Commons) or by email nicolebarela-vess@muhlenberg.edu.
I salute you. Happy Veterans Day!
About the Muhlenberg College School of Continuing Studies
For more than 100 years, Muhlenberg College’s School of Continuing Studies has provided lifelong learners the opportunity to continue and enhance their education in ways that recognize their experience, maturity, motivation, life circumstances and capacity for independent scholarship. Through a rich variety of certificates and baccalaureate degrees, the School of Continuing Studies aligns a rigorous, high-quality and student-centric curriculum with the needs and trends of our regional economy.
About the Muhlenberg College School of Graduate Studies
The Muhlenberg College School of Graduate Studies offers a variety of post-baccalaureate certificates and master’s degrees aimed at enhancing intellectual and career development through challenging coursework grounded in the liberal arts. With a mix of graduate certificate pathways and master’s degrees aligned with workforce and economic trends, the Muhlenberg College School of Graduate Studies enables students to prepare for professional work and career advancement, with a focus on leadership and innovation.