Building Global Connections

Connections across cultures, an understanding of politics around the world, the ability to read media and literature from diverse environments -- these are the essential elements of courses in Languages, Literatures and Cultures. Our courses in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Russian and Spanish integrate many disciplines, including theater, politics, film and media studies, history, art and cultural studies.

Whether the course is at the introductory or advanced level, we focus on communication and cultural understanding, allowing you to make connections to the local and global communities while thinking critically in a second language.

Students in our classes make connections with:

  • Other students through our very active language clubs and cultural events
  • Other areas of study through the interdisciplinary focus of our courses
  • Local communities of speakers through service learning opportunities
  • The global community through numerous study abroad opportunities

Students who major or minor in a language at Muhlenberg pursue careers in areas such as international business and law, health professions, theater, teaching, translation and international service work.

Languages at Muhlenberg

Enhancing Cultural Connections

Weekly Language Table Schedule

French Table -  La Table Française

 Spanish Table - La Mesa Española

Italian Table - Chiacchiere

Russian Table - Русский Стол