Cofounder of Greensgrow Farm Lectures at 'Berg as Part of the Series "Ethics of Space: Power of the Place
The Muhlenberg College Center for Ethics presents Urban Gardening, a lecture by Mary Seton Corboy, on Wednesday, March 3, at 7:00 p.m., Miller Forum, Moyer Hall.Monday, February 22, 2010 00:23 PM
This eventis free and open to the public. A reception will follow.
Corboy is the Chief Farm Hand and cofounder of Greensgrow Farms in Philadelphia, Pa. She was named in Organic Style magazine's top 50 "Environmental Power List" in 2004. Greensgrow Farm has been recognized as the premier urban agriculture project in the country. In her talk, she will address how to transform a brown field into a vibrant active center of a community, and how to involve community in urban gardening?
Corboy’s lecture is part of the series Ethics of Space: Power of Place, programs that will examine three different sub-themes relating to the concept of “space:” BOUNDARIES, including the invisible, the visible, and the geo-political; CONTROLLING SPACE, considering the differences and overlaps between public and private space, and physical and metaphorical space; and SPACE IN BODIES, which will tackle issues of shared identity, constructing differences, and the spaces between people.
Each year, the Center for Ethics sponsors an intensive series designed to encourage discussion and reflection on a timely, pertinent topic. Center for Ethics programs are free and open to all members of the Muhlenberg campus and the local community. For more information on the series, visit
Muhlenberg College gratefully acknowledges the Christian A. Johnson Endeavor Foundation’s support of the Center for Ethics.
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