'Berg Selected as part of the Princeton Review & U.S. Green Building Council's "Guide to 286 Green Colleges"

Muhlenberg College has been recognized in “The Princeton Review’s Guide to 286 Green Colleges,” acknowledging the institution’s efforts towards sustainability, and the hard work of faculty, staff and students alike.

 Friday, April 23, 2010 11:45 AM

“The Princeton Review’s Guide to 286 Green Colleges” is the first, free comprehensive Guidebook solely focused on institutions of higher education who have demonstrated an above average commitment to sustainability in terms of campus infrastructure, activities and initiatives.

Just in time for the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day (April 22nd), the Guide – which is based on a survey of hundreds of colleges nationwide – profiles the nation’s most environmentally-responsible campuses. From solar panel study rooms to the percentage of budget spent on local/organic food, “The Princeton Review’s Guide to 286 Green Colleges” looks at an institution’s commitment to building certification using USGBC’s LEED green building certification program; environmental literacy programs; formal sustainability committees; use of renewable energy resources; recycling and conservation programs, and much more.

The Princeton Review chose the 286 schools included in the Guide based on the “Green Rating” scores the schools received in summer 2009 when The Princeton Review published Green Rating scores for 697 schools in its online college profiles and/or annual college guidebooks. The Princeton Review’s “Green Rating” is a numerical score from 60 – 99 that’s based on several data points. In 2008, The Princeton Review began collaborating with USGBC to help make the Green Rating survey questions as comprehensive and inclusive as possible. Of 697 schools that The Princeton Review gave “Green Ratings” to in 2009, the 286 schools in the Guide received scores in the 80th or higher percentile.  The Princeton Review does not rank the schools in this book hierarchically (1 to 286) or in any of its books based on their “Green Rating” scores.

The Princeton Review debuted its “Green Rating” scores for colleges and universities in 2008 and annually reports them for more than 700 institutions it profiles in its “Best Colleges” book, “Best Northeastern Colleges” book, “Complete Book of Colleges,” and on its website profiles of colleges. The company also annually names schools to its “Green Honor Roll” which salutes the institutions receiving the highest possible Green Rating score (99) in the year’s tallies. Profiles in The Princeton Review’s annual “Guide to College Majors” highlight 100 majors for green careers.

The free Guide can be downloaded at www.princetonreview.com/greenguide and www.usgbc.org/campus
