Horizons: Steinunn Thorarinsdottir

October 6 – November 6, 2010 Artist’s Reception: October 6, 4:30 - 6 p.m. Artist’s Talk: October 5, 7 – 8 p.m.

 Wednesday, September 15, 2010 11:45 AM

Horizons, (2005 – 2007)is an installation of 12 life-size sculptures by Icelandic

artist, Steinunn Thorarinsdottir.  By sheer number the group, at first glance,

suggests a feeling of community.  More careful inspection soon reveals

strong elements of contemplation, melancholy, and isolation—the decidedly

more quiet and somber aspects of the human experience.


Jonathan Goodman, arts writer and instructor at Pratt Institute feels that

Thorarinsdottir’s sculpture reminds us that even though we often proceed in life

as if blinded by experience, it is that same experience that opens us to clarity—a

lucidity the artist literally embraces by embedding a thin horizontal strip of glass

in each cast-iron figure.


Thorarinsdottir has studied in England and Italy.  During the past 30 years she

has exhibited throughout Europe and the United States and her work is held by

collectors worldwide.  She has received numerous awards including the Order of

the Falcon by the President of Iceland in 2009.


Horizons inaugural installation in 2007 was out of doors at the Katonah

Museum of Art, Katonah, New York.  San Antonio, Texas and Manilow Sculpture

Park in Illinois were among other recent outdoor venues.  As a deliberate

departure from the format of previous installations, curator Scott Sherk, has

chosen to place Horizons inside the Martin Art Gallery.


Thorarinsdottir will present a talk, Tuesday, October 5, 7 – 8 p.m. in Recital

Hall, Baker Center for the Arts.   A reception for the artist will be held

Wednesday, Oct. 6, 4:30 – 6 p.m. in the Martin Art Gallery.  The exhibition,

reception, and talk are free and open to the public.  A complementary exhibition

that includes Thorarinsdottir’s two-dimensional work will be held in the Lachaise

Gallery, Cedar Crest College, October 4 – November 5.


The Martin Gallery is located in the Baker Center for the Arts, Muhlenberg

College, Allentown, Pennsylvania.  Gallery hours are: Tuesday through

Saturdays, noon – 8 p.m.; closed during major holidays and semester breaks. 

Information: 484.664.3467.  Images available upon request.










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