Muhlenberg Faculty Members Promoted

The Muhlenberg College Board of Trustees approved the following faculty promotions:

 Tuesday, April 27, 2010 11:45 AM

Dr. Peter Pettit, department of religion studies and the director of the Institute for Jewish Christian Understanding, was promoted to associate professor.  His courses focus on both the history and present dynamics of the Jewish-Christian relationship and include a travel seminar that traces post-Holocaust developments in the relationship in Europe.  Pettit received his bachelor’s degree from Princeton University, his master of divinity from the Lutheran Theological Seminary and his master of arts and doctorate from Claremont Graduate University.

Dr. Bruce Wightman, department of biology, has been awarded promotion to Professor. He teaches courses ranging from principles of biology, theory of evolution, genetics, genomes, microbiology and neuroscience.  Wightman received his bachelor’s degree from Oberlin College, doctorate from Harvard University and postdoctorate from University of California at Berkeley.

Founded in 1848, Muhlenberg College is a highly selective liberal arts college in Allentown, Pa.  It is an independent, undergraduate, co-educational institution related to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

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