Sound in Space and Annea Lockwood: Sounds of the Danube March 17 – April 17, 2010 Opening reception: March 22, 4:30 - 6 p.m.
This spring two complimentary sound-art exhibitions will be held in the Baker Center for the Arts.Monday, March 8, 2010 00:23 PM
Sound in Spacein the Martin Art Gallery features site specific installations by three widely-exhibited audio artists Seth Cluett, Steve Peters, and Steve Roden.
While all three artists share sound as their medium, they differ in approach and method. Seth Cluette, an installation artist and educator living and working in New York State works primarily with the relationships between the body and sound, and architecture as an extension of the body.
Seattle-based composer and sound artist Steve Peters often chooses site-specific venues for his work. He records sounds of the environment and found/natural objects and explores acoustic phenomena, as well as normal instruments and spoken text.
Steve Roden, a visual and sound artist from Los Angeles produces traditional two-dimensional and three-dimensional work as well as film, sound, and performance. In his sound works, he chooses singular source materials such as objects, architectural spaces and field recording. Roden describes his aesthetic as “lower case” sound—sound concerned with subtlety and the quiet activity of listening.
Annea Lockwood: A Sound Map of the Danube will be installed in the Galleria Lobby of the Baker Center. Lockwood, a native of New Zealand, teaches composition and electronic music at Vassar College in upstate New York. She is known for her explorations of the spontaneous world of natural acoustic sounds, including A Sound Map of the Hudson River.
Both exhibitions were curated by studio art professor Scott Sherk.
All exhibition and gallery events are open to the public and free of charge.
Gallery hours are Tuesdays through Saturdays, noon – 8:00 p.m. The Galleria
Lobby if open daily 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. Both venues will be closed April 2 - 5
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