Students Organized to Stand with Haiti at 'Berg

Muhlenberg College presents Students Organized to Stand with Haiti, Thursday, February 4, at 7:00 p.m., Miller Forum, Moyer Hall. Dr. J. Christopher Kovats-Bernat will be the key note speaker.

 Monday, February 1, 2010 02:21 PM

There will also be a screening of Whatever it Takes with Zanmi Lasante, Partners in Health, Haiti. This event isfree and open to the public.

Members of the Muhlenberg College community came together following the earthquake in Haiti, as many communities around the world have, in hopes of contributing to relief efforts on the ground. This group of 60+ individuals elected Partners in Health (PIH) as the benefiting organization of a forthcoming campus-wide fundraising campaign.

An associate professor of anthropology at ‘Berg, Kovats-Bernat is a cultural anthropologist, who is currently the Associate Professor of Anthropology at Muhlenberg College. He is the author of Sleeping Rough in Port-au-Prince: An Ethnography of Street Children and Violence in Haiti (University Press of Florida, 2006). Since 1993, he has conducted research with street children in Port-au-Prince, studying the impact of poverty and civil violence on their survival and their way of life. In 1995, Kovats-Bernat served as an International Civilian Electoral
Observer of the Haitian presidential elections that marked the first peaceful transition from one democratically-elected president to the next in Haitian history. Since 1998, he has taken up the study Vodou, especially as it relates to childhood and childrearing in rural Haiti.
The screening of the Partners in Health (PIH) Vision: Whatever it takes will be the second part of this event. The PIH mission is both medical and moral. It is based on solidarity,rather than charity alone. When a person in Peru, or Siberia, or rural Haiti
falls ill, PIH uses all of the means at our disposal to make them well—from pressuring drug manufacturers, to lobbying policy makers, to providing medical care and social services. Whatever it takes.

The Students Organized to Stand with Haiti event will be an opportunity for the public to convene and act through donation. Fore more information, please contact The Office of Community Service & Civic Engagement at 484-664-3657, or efreeman@muhlenberg.ed

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