Muhlenberg Hosts 8th Annual SRSJ Conference
Muhlenberg College will host the eighth Annual Social Research Social Justice Conference (SRSJ) from April 7-8.Monday, April 4, 2011 11:45 AM
The Conference features the work of approximately 50 college students from across the Lehigh Valley, who will be sharing original research on social justice issues that vary in subject from gender to race to criminal justice to community engagement.
Events begin on Thursday, April 7, with "Art as an Instrument of Social Justice," a public lecture by Ellen Frank, Artistic Director and Founder of Illumination Arts Foundation, in the Recital Hall, Baker Center for the Arts, 7 p.m. She will discuss her work and exhibit, "Cities of Peace," and how it unites people and the visual arts through dialogue about issues of peace.
On Friday, April 8, 2011, Frank will give a guided tour of her "Cities of Peace" exhibit, featured in the Martin Art Gallery, Baker Center for the Arts at 9 a.m. Throughout the day, from 10:15 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., there will be four research sessions and 13 panel discussions in Moyer Hall, with a registration table located in the lobby with conference programs.
This year, SRSJ is collaborating with the Urban Arts Center to raise awareness for this community-based center in Allentown, PA. Urban Arts Center engages youth in music and dance programs and performances. Collections will be gratefully accepted during the plenary event and the Conference registration table on April 7-8, 2011.
The SRSJ Conference is made possible through generous support from the Lehigh Valley Association of Independent Colleges, the Department of Media & Communication at Muhlenberg College, the RJ Fellows Program, and Carol Wilson, Dean of the College for Academic Life.
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