Dr. David Rosenwasser Named in The Best 300 Professors by The Princeton Review and RateMyProfessors.com
David Rosenwasser, Professor of English and co-director of the writing program, has been rated one of The Best 300 Professors.Tuesday, April 3, 2012 09:58 AM
Ranked by The Princeton Review,– one of the nation's best-known education services companies, and RateMyProfessors.com, the highest-trafficked college professor ratings site in the U.S., in the first comprehensive guidebook to America's top undergraduate professors.
Rosenwasser’s primary fields are Rhetoric & Composition, Irish Literature, and British Fiction. He also teaches courses in The Nature of Narrative, European Novel in Translation, Theory and Methods of English Studies, and Writing Theory (a training course for Writing Center tutors).
He received his bachelor’s degree from Grinell College and his M.A. and Ph.D. from The University of Virginia.
Published today, The Best 300 Professors profiles outstanding professors at 122 colleges. All of the professors won high praise from their most important audiences: the undergrad students they teach and inspire, class after class, year after year, in fields that range from Ancient Studies to Neuroscience to Sport Management.
The Princeton Review developed the project in partnership with RateMyProfessors.com and selected the professors in the book based on qualitative and quantitative data from survey findings and ratings collected by both organizations (see "How The Professors Were Chosen" below).
The book's profiles of professors are organized by academic fields. More than 60 fields are represented from Accounting to Engineering to Writing, and within each field, the profiles are presented alphabetically by professor names. The Best 300 Professors also includes profiles of colleges at which one or more of the book's top-notch professors teach. The school profiles give students considering attending these colleges information on admissions, tuition, SAT/ACT score ranges of admitted students, and other useful data.
Neither the professors nor the colleges are ranked in this book.
Said Robert Franek, Princeton Review's Senior VP/Publisher and author of the Company's flagship college guide, The Best 376 Colleges, "We developed this project as a tribute to the extraordinary dedication of America's undergraduate college professors and the vitally important role they play in our culture, and our democracy. One cannot page through this book without feeling tremendous respect for the powerful ways these teachers are enriching their students' lives, their colleges, and ultimately our future as a society."
How The Professors Were Chosen
The Princeton Review and RateMyProfessors.com annually collect data from students at thousands of colleges across the country (and abroad) about their classroom experiences and assessments of their professors. For this project, The Princeton Review culled an initial list using its surveys of hundreds of thousands of students that revealed the colleges at which students highly rated their professors' teaching ability and accessibility. Data from RateMyProfessors.com identified more than 42,000 professors at those schools that students had rated on its site. Combining this info, a base list of 1,000 professors was formed. After obtaining further input from school administrators and students, as well as from Princeton Review's surveys of the professors under consideration, the editors of The Princeton Review made the final choices of the professors they profile in the book. Complete lists of the book's professors organized three ways (alpha by state/city/college/professor/department, alpha by professor/college/department, and alpha by department/professor/college) are at www.princetonreview.com/best-professors.aspx.
The Best 300 Professors is one of nearly 150 Princeton Review books published by Random House in a line that also includes The Best 376 Colleges. That book, an annual guide with 62 categories of "top 20" college ranking lists, has lists of colleges in the book at which the students gave their profs the highest marks for their teaching ability and for their accessibility outside of class (see these ranking lists at http://www.princetonreview.com/college-rankings.aspx).
The Princeton Review is not affiliated with Princeton University and is not a magazine.
About The Princeton Review
The Princeton Review (Nasdaq: REVU) has been a pioneer and leader in helping students achieve their higher education goals for 30 years through college and graduate school test preparation and private tutoring. With more than 165 print and digital publications and a free website, www.PrincetonReview.com, the company provides students and their parents with the resources to research, apply to, prepare for, and learn how to pay for higher education. The Princeton Review partners with schools and guidance counselors throughout the U.S. to assist in college readiness, test preparation and career planning services, helping more students pursue postsecondary education. The company also owns and operates Penn Foster Education Group, a global leader in online education, providing career-focused degree and vocational programs in the fields of allied health, business, technology, education, and select trades through the Penn Foster High School and Penn Foster Career School (www.pennfoster.edu). For more information, visit www.PrincetonReview.com.
About RateMyProfessors.com
RateMyProfessors.com is the highest-trafficked U.S. college professor ratings site (comScore), with more than 7,500 schools and over 13 million ratings, providing an automated system for quickly researching and rating more than 1.5 million professors from colleges and universities across the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. The site reaches more than 4 million college students each month.
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