Professor to Speak on “Expert Over-Claiming in a Sound –Bite World”
Dr. Philip Tetlock, Leonore Annenberg University Professor of Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania, will give a talk at Muhlenberg College titled “There They Go Again: Expert Over-Claiming in a Sound-Bite World.”Thursday, October 11, 2012 09:58 AM
This event, part of the series “Democracy and the 2012 Election,” is free and open to the public.
Tetlock received his Ph.D. in psychology from Yale University in 1979. He has written several books on politics, including Counterfactual Thought Experiments in World Politics (with Aaron Belkin; 1996) and Expert Political Judgment: How Good Is It? How Can We Know? Tetlock was awarded the Woodrow Wilson Award for the best book published on government, politics or international affairs and the Robert E. Lane Award for the best book in political psychology, both from the American Political Science Association in 2005.
The series “Democracy and the 2012 Election” is the fifth nonpartisan election series coordinated by Muhlenberg’s department of political science since 1992. The goal of the series is to offer the Muhlenberg and wider community an opportunity to examine critical issues linked to the 2012 presidential election. The series is being cosponsored and supported by a number of other departments on campus.
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