Duquesne University Philosopher Speaks on “Negating Black Personhood through the White Gaze”

Friday, October 18, 2013 11:47 AM
George Yancy, Professor of Philosophy and Coordinator of the Critical Race Theory Series at Duquesne University, will deliver a talk, "Negating Black Personhood through the White Gaze," at Muhlenberg College on Tuesday, October 22, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in Miller Forum, Moyer Hall. Yancy’s talk is part of the year-long series, Freedom, Personhood and Justice, sponsored by the College's Lectures and Forums Committee and the women’s and gender studies program. The event is free and open to the public.
Yancy is particularly interested in the formation of African-American philosophical thought as articulated within the social context and historical space of anti-black racism, African-American agency and identity formation. Within this context his work also explores Black Erlebnis, or the lived experience of black people, which raises important questions regarding black subjectivity, modes of black spatial mobility, and embodied resistance. As Co-Editor of The American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Philosophy and the Black Experience, he firmly believes in the significance of black philosophical voices, and black knowledge production, as sites of conceptual and existential transformative possibilities.
Freedom, Personhood and Justice is meant to stimulate ideas about justice and democracy through an exploration of the lived and legal experience of norms. The series will foreground the nature of the problems of racism, sexism, and other systems of exclusion. The structure of our inquiry is pragmatic, investigating societal practices that strive for the ideals of equality, fairness, unbiased thinking, freedom, and liberty, among other related concepts.