Inaugural Alumni Juried Exhibition of Small Work

News Image The Martin Art Gallery and Alumni Relations Office are proud to announce the Inaugural Alumni Juried Exhibition of Small Work, September 5th – 30th in the Galleria Lobby of the Baker Center for the Arts.

 Friday, September 6, 2013 08:41 AM

The artists: Paul Preuss ’63, Joanne (Strehle) Bast ’68, Martha (Schlenker) Knouss ’68, Susan (Sellers) Stanewick ’68, Ethan Geehr ’83, Anneliese Juergensen ’08, and Emma Sanders ’08 represent a wide spectrum of reunion year classes.  Their compelling works of art cover a wide range of subjects and equally diverse media including oil painting, digital art, photography, watercolor and textiles.

The exhibition is free and open to the public as well as the campus community, daily 9:00 AM – 10:00 PM.  A reception to honor the artists will be held during Reunion/Homecoming Weekend, Saturday, September 21, 4 – 6:00 PM.

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