Muhlenberg College Announces Faculty Promotions
Muhlenberg College is pleased to announce the following faculty members have been granted tenure and promoted to the title of associate professor by the Board of Trustees.Friday, February 15, 2013 09:58 AM
Dr. Byungchul Cha, mathematics and computer science, came to Muhlenberg in 2007. He earned a B.S. from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology and a Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University, where he specialized in number theory. Specifically, he is interested in Euler systems of Heegner points of elliptic curves and their applications in Shafarevich-Tate groups, as well as the distribution of zeros of various L-functions in a function fields setting. More generally, he is interested in anything related to prime numbers.
Dr. Anne Esacove, sociology, joined the Muhlenberg community in 2006. She has her B.A. from California State University, Northridge, a Master of Public Health degree from the University of Washington and a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. She worked for many years as a health educator and policy analyst between and while pursuing her degrees. Esacove’s research and teaching interests are grounded in her professional experience and include sexuality, gender, health and qualitative and historical research methods.
Dr. Brian Mello, political science, has a B.A. from Fairfield University and a M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Washington, Seattle. His areas of study include comparative politics, international relations, political theory and the politics of social movements. Dr. Mello’s research focuses generally on politics in Europe and in the Middle East, and in particular on Turkish politics. His research examines such subjects as the impact of labor movement activism in Turkey, Great Britain, the United States and Japan; international norms of women’s rights as human rights; the affect of civil-military relations on Islamic politics in Turkey; and the causes and consequences of the Arab Spring.
Dr. Stefanie Sinno, psychology, earned a B.S. from Ursinus College and a Ph.D. from the University of Maryland. She teaches courses in developmental psychology, primarily child and adolescent development, as well as a seminar course on the developmental understanding on inclusion and exclusion. Her research training and expertise is in the area of social and moral development, with a focus on children's and adolescents' social reasoning in everyday contexts. She joined the Muhlenberg community in 2007.
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