Muhlenberg Named a Top 15 College for Return on Investment

Tuesday, July 30, 2013 03:58 PM
AC Online recently launched a new ranking, "AC Online: Highest Return on Investment Colleges in Pennsylvania," which identifies the 81 colleges in Pennsylvania where degrees pay off the most.
Muhlenberg was ranked 13th in the state, based on return on investment, and was identified as one of the top 15 colleges where graduates enjoy the largest earnings gap between non-degree holders over 30 years.
"These are important lists for prospective students to consider," says AC Online founder Dan Schuessler. "We've sifted through comprehensive data sources to find colleges and universities in Pennsylvania that offer a high quality education with consistent, long-term payoffs in the workplace."
The colleges in the list were compiled based on the criteria of being a fully accredited four year degree-granting institution, either public or private. Students who graduate from these colleges earn more over their lifetimes, on average, than graduates from other Pennsylvania institutions.
This study acknowledges Muhlenberg as one of the top colleges where graduates will enjoy the benefits of investing in their degree in the years after graduation. The results of this quantitative study demonstrate the quality of a Muhlenberg education which is comparably affordable based on the return Muhlenberg graduates will receive.
Affordable Colleges Online provides students with information about affordable higher education options. The website offers financial aid videos, expert advice, and cost savings ideas. AC Online is a trusted resource for college stats and rankings. Most recently the site launched a feature that provides students with a categorized directory of free online introductory, or "101", classes from several top named U.S. universities such as MIT, Michigan and U.C. Berkeley.
To see the full list, visit
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