‘Berg Heads to Philly ComicCon

Monday, June 16, 2014 11:05 AM
Muhlenberg will be the only private, liberal arts college in attendance. The CEO of Wizard World is a parent of a current Muhlenberg student.
According to Muhlenberg President Randy Helm, “ComicCon devotees have many of the qualities we're looking for: they are imaginative, creative, close readers and listeners, with an eye for detail, a sense of humor and a flair for the dramatic. That pretty much describes the typical Muhlenberg student.”
Students will staff the Muhlenberg booth, passing out admissions materials and discussing the College, but unlike the usual college fairs, these students will be wearing "Raiders of the Liberal Arts" t-shirts featuring President Helm, who has been known to dress as everything from Indiana Jones to Ironman for freshman orientation.
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