Indonesian Percussion Ensemble to Perform, Hold Interactive Workshop

News Image Muhlenberg College will host Gamelan Dharma Swara, an ancient-Indonesian percussion ensemble, on March 22 at 7:00 p.m. in Egner Memorial Chapel.

 Tuesday, March 18, 2014 02:10 PM

This event, funded by the Charles A. and Leona K. Gruber Lectureship in the Arts, will begin with an interactive workshop at 7 p.m., followed by a concert of traditional and modern works.  Both the concert and the workshop are free and open to the public.

Based in New York City, Gamelan Dharma Swara is one of the most highly regarded gamelan ensembles outside of Indonesia.  The group is comprised of various metallic gongs and xylophone-like instruments as well as an assortment of flutes and drums. In Java and Bali, gamelan is the musical background to every social and cultural gathering

The ensemble studies and performs music for the 7-tone gamelan semara dana and the 5-tone gender wayang. Their repertoire includes a wide variety of classic lelambatan, semar pegulingan saih pitu, kebyar and various pelegongan dance works as well as new instrumental works composed by Balinese composers and Gamelan Dharma Swara members.

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