Muhlenberg College faculty lead a panel discussion on ebola

Monday, October 20, 2014 09:54 AM
Four Muhlenberg College faculty members will lead a panel diuscussion, “Ebola: Myths and Realities,” on Wednesday, October 22 from 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. in the Trexler Library. This event, sponsored by the public health minor, Trexler Library and the wellness committee, is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served.
Scholars will talk about the disease from multiple perspectives: microbiology, epidemiology, information management, sociology & anthropology and politics/infrastructure. A Q&A will follow the discussion.
Panelists include:
- Amy Cooper, assistant professor of anthropology, studies the cultural and medical anthropologist studying the social and political aspects of health care in urban Latin America, the Caribbean and the United States. Her research and teaching interests include the anthropology of health and medicine, the body, mental health and psychiatry, homelessness and aging; the anthropological study of citizenship and political activism; and Latin American and Caribbean studies.
- Chrysan Cronin is a lecturer for the biology department and director of the public health minor. Her research focuses on environmental health issues associated with the process of hydraulic fracturing, a process used to drill for and obtain natural gas. She also mentors research students during the academic year who are interested in environmental health issues, and other public health issues.
- Rachel Hamelers is the head of public outreach and information literacy services at Trexler Library, as well as the math and science subject specialist. She supervises the public outreach and information literary services unit in Trexler Library. As reference services librarian, Hamelers is responsible for coordinating and assessing reference services, including the reference desk, reference e-mails, and reference student workers. As the math and sciences subject specialist, she works with students and faculty from the Sciences, including one-on-one meetings, small group research help and library instruction sessions. She also helps to build the collection in math and sciences.
- Christopher W. Herrick is a professor of political science, director of the international studies major, and co-director of the political economy and public policy major. Herrick’s areas of study include comparative politics, international relations, and environmental policy. Herrick’s research focuses generally on foreign and national security policies. His current research focuses upon China’s “Peaceful Rise” and examines the prospects that despite potential economic compatibilities perceptions and misperceptions will negatively affect China’s relations with the United States, India, Japan, Southeast Asia and Africa. He has also published a book on Issues in U.S. Foreign Policy.
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