A festival of innovative one-act plays, Muhlenberg's 'New Visions' spotlights inspired work of talented student directors

News Image The New Visions Directors' Festival is presented as part of the Mainstage Theatre & Dance season.

 Thursday, September 18, 2014 04:22 PM

Emerging theatrical talents will be on display in Muhlenberg College's "New Visions" Directors' Festival, featuring plays directed by four senior directing students in the College's Department of Theatre & Dance. "New Visions" plays Sept. 27-30 on Muhlenberg's Studio Theatre stage.

The festival will be presented in two evenings. Evening A features Federico Garcia Lorca's "The Love of Don Perlimplin for Belisa in the Garden," directed by Allison Lloyd, and Romulus Linney's "Hrosvitha," directed by Julia Schneiderman. Evening B features "Out Loud: Three Short Plays," directed by Michael Witkes, and Caryl Churchill's "This is a Chair," directed by Hayley Cooke.

"The Love of Don Perlimplin for Belisa in the Garden" tells the story of Don Perlimplin, a hopeless bachelor, who is convinced to marry the beautiful but promiscuous Belisa. Four potent scenes illustrate the tale of a man overcome by the spirits of passion and the desire to win the love of the woman to whom he is married.

"The play contends that we are the authors of our own stories," Schneiderman says, "and that women, most of all, must struggle to rewrite the world around them."

"Out Loud" comprises three short plays: "Black Eye" by Carolyn Gage, "Game On" by Gary Garrison and "Baby Steps" by Geoffrey Nauffts. The show explores the importance of overcoming the stigmatization of homosexuality and fighting for one's sexual identity. One actor plays the lead in all three plays, following a journey from hiding his sexuality, to coming out with hesitation, to finally embracing his sexuality and standing up for himself as a proud gay man

"This is a Chair" explores the relationship between language and meaning. Eight vignettes, juxtaposed with large title signs, look at the complexities of human relationships and the struggle to connect.

Muhlenberg College is a liberal arts college of more than 2,200 students in Allentown, Pa. The college offers Bachelor of Arts degrees in theater and dance. The Princeton Review has ranked Muhlenberg's theater program in the top twelve in the nation for seven years in a row, and Fiske Guide to Colleges lists both the theater and dance programs among the top small college programs in the United States. Muhlenberg is one of only eight colleges to be listed in Fiske for both theater and dance.

Performances of "New Visions" are Sept. 27-30. Evening A will be performed Saturday, Sept. 27, at 2 and 8 p.m and Tuesday, Sept. 30, at 8 p.m. Evening B will be performed Sunday, Sept. 28, at 2 and 8 p.m. and Monday, Sept. 29 at 8 p.m. Tickets are $15 for one evening and $20 for a combination ticket including both nights. Tickets can be purchased online at muhlenberg.edu/theatreanddance or by phone at 484-664-3333. Performances are in the Studio Theatre, Trexler Pavilion for Theatre and Dance, Muhlenberg College, 2400 Chew St., Allentown. For mature audiences.

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