Gerhard Rattai presents “The Role of International Organizations Against Human Trafficking in Helping the Survivors of Human Trafficking”

News Image The founder of Two and a Half Miles will discuss human trafficking as part of Center for Ethic's Sex, Ethics and Pleasure Politics series.

 Wednesday, January 22, 2014 02:14 PM

The Muhlenberg College Center for Ethics welcomes Gerhard Rattai, founder of Two and a Half Miles, for his talk “The Role of International Organizations Against Human Trafficking in Helping the Survivors of Human Trafficking,” on Wednesday, January 22, at 7:00 p.m. in the Great Room, Seegers Union. This event, sponsored by International Studies, is free and open to the public.

Rattai has more than a decade of experience as a church pastor and nearly two decades of experience in executive leadership and business management. As the son of the late Henry Rattai, founder and President of Kraft Construction, Gerhard had the privilege of learning the construction industry and the dynamics of running a family business. As a former pastor, he has a background in church vision development, leadership development, counseling, teaching and preaching, and operations.

Two and a Half Miles is an organization that funds and strengthens the leaders and organizations that rescue women and girls from sex-trafficking and rehabilitate and reintegrate them into society through meaningful and sustainable employment.

This lecture is part of the Center for Ethic’s Sex, Ethics, and Pleasure Politics, a series of special events and thematic lectures that aims to develop a comprehensive sexual ethics for the campus community. This lecture is free and open to the public. For more series information, visit the Center for Ethics website.

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