Muhlenberg Honors 2020 Phi Beta Kappa Honors Society Members

The College's newest members of Phi Beta Kappa, the nation's most prestigious honor society for undergraduates in the liberal arts and sciences, were celebrated in a virtual event on Monday, June 15.

By: Bill Keller  Tuesday, June 16, 2020 09:11 AM

Established in 1776 at the College of William and Mary, Phi Beta Kappa (PBK) is a distinguished fellowship of scholars devoted to liberal education and intellectual pursuits. Muhlenberg College was granted a charter from the national organization in 1967. 

Strict eligibility guidelines, including completion of specific course requirements and placement in the top 15 percent of the graduating class, mean that inductees are among the highest-achieving students at Muhlenberg.

2020 Phi Beta Kappa Inductees
Alice Banta '21
Monique Beaupre '20
Rachel Bernstein '20
Desiree Bsales '20
Margaret Capone '20
Heather Chapman '20
Danielle Costanzo '20
Gabriella Crivelli '20
Alyssa Curtis '20
Heather Downey '20
Meray Faragalla '20
Sara Flash '20
Laine Flores '20
Olivia Garcia '20
Taylor Garrison '20
Nisha Godbole '20
Sophia Gordon '20
Vivian Ha '20
Kevin Hagan '20
Rashida Haye '20
Kylee Jacoby '20
Kalie Jamieson '20
Patrick Kantner '20
Benjamin Katz '20
Ji Ku '20
Maya Leschinsky '20
Jona Lieberman '20
Kendall Logan '20
Kieva Mark '20
Elise Miwa '20
Giulia Nicolai '20
Chrystina Obleschuk '20
Ann Palma '20
Nicole Reindel '20
Kayla Robinson '20
Hailey Roos '20
Jennifer Sanchez '20
Michelle Sanchez '20
Laura Santo '20
Jordan Schneider '21
Gabriela Solomon '20
Elijah Sommer '20
Michael Sova '20
Lilyanna Stange '20
Olivia Toner '20
Jacob Wahba '20

The virtual ceremony included remarks from Assistant Professor of Music Kassandra Hartford and Associate Professor of Mathematics William Gryc. Two scholarships were also awarded to incoming Muhlenberg students from local high schools Dieruff and William Allen.

PBK's advisor, Associate Professor of Biology and Neuroscience Jordanna Sprayberry, addressed this year's inductees.

"One of the most important things about a liberal arts education is that it teaches you that the world operates in contextual truths, rather than absolute truths," said Sprayberry. "Over your time here, you've learned that information does not have a straight right or wrong, it doesn't have any easy answer and, in fact, the most interesting questions require the most work to understand the context that they operate in. In our society today, with global connections that cross complex economic boundaries, physical boundaries, and cultural boundaries, what you've learned here at Muhlenberg is so important."

To learn more about the Pi of Pennsylvania chapter of Phi Beta Kappa at Muhlenberg College, visit the honor society's website.

About Muhlenberg College
Founded in 1848, Muhlenberg is a highly selective, private liberal arts college offering baccalaureate and graduate programs. With an enrollment of nearly 2,000 students, Muhlenberg College is dedicated to shaping creative, compassionate, collaborative leaders through rigorous academic programs in the arts, humanities, natural sciences and social sciences; selected preprofessional programs, including accounting, business, education and public health; and progressive workforce-focused post-baccalaureate certificates and master’s degrees. Located in Allentown, Pennsylvania, approximately 90 miles west of New York City, Muhlenberg is a member of the Centennial Conference, competing in 23 varsity sports. Muhlenberg is affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

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