Rising Junior Takes Part in Democracy Summer Program

Molly Levine ’24 is interning with the campaign to re-elect Congresswoman Madeleine Dean as well as participating in nationwide educational sessions with other Democracy Summer fellows.

By: Meghan Kita  Thursday, July 7, 2022 02:38 PM

Molly Levine ’24

As a fellow in the Democracy Summer program, Molly Levine ’24 is getting a comprehensive education in campaign work. On Mondays and Wednesdays, she and the approximately 500 other fellows from across the country hear from a speaker over Zoom and attend breakout sessions on how to put what they’ve learned into action. (For example, a recent guest spoke about the labor movement, and then fellows learned how they might use tools like social media and infographics to lobby for a wage hike.)

For 20 to 25 hours throughout the rest of the week, Levine is an intern with the campaign to re-elect Congresswoman Madeleine Dean. The internship, which is facilitated through the Democracy Summer program, has Levine canvassing, phone banking, designing materials to publicize volunteer events and for social media and tabling at events, but she also is learning what goes into those kinds of opportunities (for example, how to design a region to canvass and how to build a database of voters to call or visit).

“Something I like is that we’re getting to do a lot of different things for the campaign along with the educational component,” says Levine, a political science major and French and creative writing double minor. “I’m hoping that gives me more of an idea of … what motivates me and gives me energy and what I feel like I’m doing the best at for a future career.”

Levine found the six-week position through the Career Center and started in mid-June. So far, she has enjoyed the variety and the opportunity to learn from seasoned pros in the field. She also appreciates working for her home district representative, specifically.

“I’ve really enjoyed every interaction that I’ve had with the congresswoman,” she says. “I feel that sometimes I’m really cynical about politics, but she’s very passionate and very excited to have us there in the office … Being able to see somebody who’s really passionate about their community and about the work that they’re doing makes me a lot more hopeful than I was.”

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