Maura Finkelstein Awarded Class of 1932 Research Professorship

The award was presented at Muhlenberg's 2022 Honors Convocation.

 Wednesday, June 1, 2022 04:24 PM

Established in 1986, this professorship provides release time for up to one year for a faculty member to pursue research or other creative work that will result in publication or presentation consistent with the discipline.

This year the recipient was Maura Finkelstein, Associate Professor of Anthropology.

The Muhlenberg College Honors Convocation, which was held this year at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, May 1 in Egner Chapel, is a formal academic ceremony designed to honor and celebrate leadership and scholarly excellence and achievement.

To view the full list of student and faculty awards, visit the 2022 Honors Convocation article on the College's news site.


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